Sorry about that blank. Anyway it will depend on how seriously the body takes themselves. I've seen bodies talk for hours about NOTHING. Hopefully a body has at least one or two reasonable bros. that are able to rein the group in.
JoinedPosts by pontoon
A Concerned Elder Speaks
by Franklin Massey ina lot of talk has centered around information dispensed at the recent km schools.
many brothers feel there is a "tightening up" taking place.
i had a recent experience that you may find interesting.. after the meeting i was working with our cobe on some congregation tasks when out of nowhere he said, "have you looked up any extra information about higher education since the km school?
A Concerned Elder Speaks
by Franklin Massey ina lot of talk has centered around information dispensed at the recent km schools.
many brothers feel there is a "tightening up" taking place.
i had a recent experience that you may find interesting.. after the meeting i was working with our cobe on some congregation tasks when out of nowhere he said, "have you looked up any extra information about higher education since the km school?
A Concerned Elder Speaks
by Franklin Massey ina lot of talk has centered around information dispensed at the recent km schools.
many brothers feel there is a "tightening up" taking place.
i had a recent experience that you may find interesting.. after the meeting i was working with our cobe on some congregation tasks when out of nowhere he said, "have you looked up any extra information about higher education since the km school?
Back some years when I served as an elder and was probably 90% "in" the org mentally, a bethel bro., very educated and very well paid before he became a witness gave a talk about the waste of time worldly education was. He had in the past told me about how great Wat. farm life was with no living expenses. He was able to enjoy his wealth, nice cars, vacations, not saying he flaunted his money, but it obviously made his life more enjoyable. I don't believe he really had "freedom of speech" on that topic. I can understand what Finger is saying. Another "Farm Boy" gave a part that had to do with secular work and dealing with our employers. This kid never had a job. Went from HS to daddy supported pioneer to Wat. farm. He knew nothing about the dynamics and politics of a work place. He knew nothing about paying bills and putting food on a table. And now he is giving counsel from the platform to men and women that have and are raising families. I dislike that crap so much. It made me feel so not at peace in my head. So,... I figured out that if what was coming from the platform was good scriptural counsel, from the slave, I'll take it. Everything else in one ear and out the other. That thinking helped me for a while. Not too long after my big drift began.
A Concerned Elder Speaks
by Franklin Massey ina lot of talk has centered around information dispensed at the recent km schools.
many brothers feel there is a "tightening up" taking place.
i had a recent experience that you may find interesting.. after the meeting i was working with our cobe on some congregation tasks when out of nowhere he said, "have you looked up any extra information about higher education since the km school?
Look, miseryloveselders, the Borg doesn't believe God will provide. That is why they rely on their teams of HIGHLY EDUCATED LAWYERS.
CO visit last Tuesday- Platform announcement
by DeeDubs inwe had the co visit in the cong last week.
he reread the pioneer letter for april at the end of the meeting on tuesday, he basically stated he was looking especially forward to every elders and ms and their families application, and it would be nice to see out of the 150 publishers with the elders and ms and their families "taking the lead" if we could break 100 aux pioneers that month.
you could hear a pin was a bit strong to say the least.
I don't know if they get a bethel allowance. In this country (USA) they do get apt with all utilities paid for by circuit, society car usually no more than 2 yrs old expenses paid for by circuit, (one time while serving my old congo CO car was due service and he just turned the bill into our congo, not the circuit, it was a couple hundred), medical, dental, CO would turn his grocery bill into congo, we had one CO who required that his circuit provided apt had a extra bedroom for his mother. I'm sure their green handshakes provided them with more cash than 90% of the pioneers. So, yes, they get provided all the things we have to earn cash for to buy.
CO visit last Tuesday- Platform announcement
by DeeDubs inwe had the co visit in the cong last week.
he reread the pioneer letter for april at the end of the meeting on tuesday, he basically stated he was looking especially forward to every elders and ms and their families application, and it would be nice to see out of the 150 publishers with the elders and ms and their families "taking the lead" if we could break 100 aux pioneers that month.
you could hear a pin was a bit strong to say the least.
freetosee is right on point. CO is doing his job. It's how he makes his living. Just like you or I may be a plumber, accountant, doctor,-whatever to put food on our tables, CO works for the borg and it's his job to "encourage" and pressure dubs to do more. Its his job.
WT articles that make you go, "WTF?"
by undercover inmarch 1, 2011 wt kool aid edition.... the article: does the bible condemn gambling.
notice the highlighted boxes.... first the indication that the catholic church does not consider gambling itself a sin... and then challenges that because no scriptural passages are given in proof of their assertion.. the very next column though, the wts admits that the bible does not directly mention gambling.
so, um, how do you expect the catholics to come up with scriptures if there are none?.
About 2-3, 4 years a study article comparing Jeh to a rock badger (rodent), a gecko (lizard), and a third critter I can't remember. I was sitting in ther hall listening to this thinking "oh my god......" Anyone remember that article? I' like to reference it for laughs.
Anyone from the Hudson Valley/Mid- Hudson valley (NY) Area?
by Invetigator74 inanyone from the hudson/ mid-hudson valley (ny) area?
this area is probably considered wt country (wallkill, patterson and probably monroe) lol..
Found Sheep, are you still in the area?
Anyone from the Hudson Valley/Mid- Hudson valley (NY) Area?
by Invetigator74 inanyone from the hudson/ mid-hudson valley (ny) area?
this area is probably considered wt country (wallkill, patterson and probably monroe) lol..
I'm surprised this thread didn't light right up! So all I can admit to for now is that I am from just previous mentioned areas.
My First Post on JWN- Hello!
by Philadelphia Ponos ini'll give some background information before i introduce myself.
i faded from the organization three and a half years ago.
i have no family members who are jws and haven't thought about this religion at all over the past three and half years.
Don't you all worry about PP going back. In a foreign language nothing is going to make sense anyway.