Sign up on laptop with Windows worked well although it doesn't always keep me signed in. On my Android device the sign in button doesn't work for me. It also rejects my username when I substitute it for my email address.
Great job Simon, thank you
well, the switchover happened - there were a couple of things i had to fix which meant the posting was disabled for longer than i planned but it's now enabled and some people have already posted.. if you have any questions about the new format or suggestions on how to improve it, please post them here.. if you are having trouble signing in or posting then you'll need to email me instead.. many thanks to everyone for their patience during the changeover !.
Sign up on laptop with Windows worked well although it doesn't always keep me signed in. On my Android device the sign in button doesn't work for me. It also rejects my username when I substitute it for my email address.
Great job Simon, thank you
i don't understand the relevance of the first picture in this weeks study article?!?!.
wt week of december 15-21 "cherish your privilege of working with jehovah".
can someone post the pic?.
Likely the tower is for enjoying the lake view. It really is a beautiful site.
i don't understand the relevance of the first picture in this weeks study article?!?!.
wt week of december 15-21 "cherish your privilege of working with jehovah".
can someone post the pic?.
Refering back to pgh, 7 above, picking blueberries as a comuter or helper at Wat Farm is sacred service too-----but only if you're a pioneer. What a load of crap.
my apologies if this topic has previously been spotlighted.. the following is a portion of the the recent money-grabbing letter from
it's on page 4 - one of the three pages which only the elders were allowed to read.. "surplus funds: is it necessary to save congregation funds for future construction or major renovation projects?
what should be done with excess congregation funds that are currently being held or that may accumulate in the future?
Money making machine. Anyone who thinks they are going broke with lawsuits, lack of support...., whatever is kidding themselves. If lack of money was an issue they wouldn't have 10's of millions $$$ projects in progress and 10's ........$$$$$$$$ on the drawing boards. That's right, hugh planned expansion being designed for Patterson. They can't spend it all fast enough.
so what is a class 5 project?.
it is one done to the highest standards.
paint & drywall, fit and finish, of everything to perfection.
Just for the record a commercial company is doing the bulk if not all of the concrete work---footings, foundations. They have been on site probably more than a year. About 10 cranes most likly with operators earning big bucks. Tons of equipment from United Rentals. This is a hugh project. Projects also going on at Wat Farms. They can't spend their money fast enough.
i've been thinking about audrey mock knorr hyde since i heard about her death some weeks ago.
i met her while at watchtower farms in the early eighties.
i knew her second husband glen before alzheimers really began to take its toll.
Well said, ctrwtf. I also new Audry and Glen, nice people. In the same congregation for some time. Were you in the Hudson Valley area? PM me
It's not an obsession, just simply interest. I knew Audrey and Glen well, they were friends and very nice people. Hudson Valley NY
i love to read the watchtower's article "the church fathersadvocates of bible truth?
" (w01 4/15 pp.
there we may read the most contadictory statements of the watchtower society, which shows how deceptive and ignorant is the jehovah's witnesses religion.. .
what a joke the campaign is.....the sheeple are so blind.
what does this have to do with what jesus taught us to do.
i feel like i was campaigning for a politician.. next thing your going to see on the website is a donation button visible to all vistors without having to log in just bypass the middle man.
Anyone happen to see any of the GB out there with carts setting the example? Just womdering.
i'm really looking forward to what the day may bring...... wish you were here to share it with me..
A happy birthday to YOU!, happy Thanksgiving, merry Christmas, enjoy your Easter.