Everything in Brooklyn was old, they are out of Brooklyn, downsized in new super energy efficient compound with 800 residents
Income producing properties, especially Assembly Halls, that they own but do not spend a penny to maintain that they rent for $$$$$$$. Must add up to millions in pure profit each month
Monthly transfers of $$$$$$ from tens of thousands of congregations. So some congregations are poor and can't pay what they are supposed to, so what, how does that hurt the corporation?
Years ago I knew a bethelite who worked in estate planning. What is left to the corporation is HUGE. I personally new two witnesses, a brother here in NY and a sister in Palm Beach Florida that left estates worth millions and millions of $$$$$$ to the corporation. And it's happening all the time.
Real estate business income, investments, who knows how much $$$$$$$ that brings in?
Remember, all tax free at least in the US, don't know about other countries
The way they have been buying expensive properties (river front apt complexes, motels, warehouses) around here in the Hudson Valley NY it seems they have money to burn and can't spend it fast enough. They spend like it was Monopoly. That's because they don't have to earn it, it's all given to them. If funds get low they'll have Lett plead for more. I used to do that when I was account servant in my old congregation, and that night we would have our average contributions X 10.
Just my thoughts on the financial condition of Wat Corporation