Walmart runs sales, restaurants have a daily special, tire shop advertises buy 3 get one free, wat corporation asks for more money, and people give and it makes them feel good because it is another payment for the hope of living in paradise.and that paradise hope is what their product is. If they constantly were not asking for money they would not be running their business well. They are not going broke, they've successfully changed from a begging, printing business to a begging, media, internet, real estate rental business. Rolling in money and can't spend it fast enough. Keep sending that money in and make jehovah smile and a better shot at paradice. Any other scenario it wouldn't work but in the name of religion common sense is out and hands go in the pockets and come out with cash. Anyone think the corporation was a little jealous of the 100's of millions the TV evangelists pull in every week? We have to get a piece of that. So they added JW.ORG to their business model as well..
JoinedPosts by pontoon
October 31, 2017 TO SELECTED BOEs IN THE US BRANCH TERRITORY Re: Discontinuation of the Funds-on-Deposit Arrangement
by wifibandit inoctober 31, 2017 to selected bodies of elders in the united states branch territory re: discontinuation of the funds-on-deposit arrangement.
Witness Royalty and the last day at the "Towers"
by Lynnie inmy uber elder cousin and his wife got the "privilege" of having one last "toast" of wine at the rooftop garden at the towers in nyc since the jw's are vacating to warwick.
his oldest daughter and son in law are quite high up in the inner circle so they get invited to all the "inner circle" activities.
even though they aren't supposed to toast to anything it was pretty darn close.
Pete. I was there in the 1960's, was in my early - mid teens. When the split happened we had to go. Bob Gott and Fred Hilmo were the two presiding overseers respectly. We probably knew each other.
Witness Royalty and the last day at the "Towers"
by Lynnie inmy uber elder cousin and his wife got the "privilege" of having one last "toast" of wine at the rooftop garden at the towers in nyc since the jw's are vacating to warwick.
his oldest daughter and son in law are quite high up in the inner circle so they get invited to all the "inner circle" activities.
even though they aren't supposed to toast to anything it was pretty darn close.
I knew kurzen. Was in East Manhattan Congo with him then split to Murray Hill congregation
October 31, 2017 TO SELECTED BOEs IN THE US BRANCH TERRITORY Re: Discontinuation of the Funds-on-Deposit Arrangement
by wifibandit inoctober 31, 2017 to selected bodies of elders in the united states branch territory re: discontinuation of the funds-on-deposit arrangement.
My second thought on this is hide the money, get it out of corporation owned accounts. As judgements against the corp are handed down and upheld I'm sure they don't want the court's to know how filthy rich and flush with cash they are. Corp is rolling in money and can't spend it fast enough.
October 31, 2017 TO SELECTED BOEs IN THE US BRANCH TERRITORY Re: Discontinuation of the Funds-on-Deposit Arrangement
by wifibandit inoctober 31, 2017 to selected bodies of elders in the united states branch territory re: discontinuation of the funds-on-deposit arrangement.
My guess the funds on deposit arrangement has some banking regulations that the corporation is not willing to meet, like an escrow account. Maybe a CPA or a financial expert will comment on this.
Michael Parks
by glenster inbelated rip michael parks born harry samuel parks april 24, 1940 to may 9, 2017 he was known for the 1969-1970 tv series "then came bronson" and acting forfilmmakers such as quentin tarantino, robert rodriguez, and kevin smith.
I had that album, I wore it out I played it so much. Some great songs on it.
Ireland: A Failure To Bear Witness?
by darkspilver infeature article in today's print edition (sunday, october 29, 2017) of the irish sunday business post newspaper along with small article on the front page..
jehovah’s witnesses in spotlight over their response to abuse cases.
the sunday business post, sunday, october 29, 2017 - front page of print edition.
Far too many elders think calling the corporation legal dept is going to "protect" them (the elders) from any legal ramifications by instructing them what the right thing to do is. They fail to realize who those attorneys are working for, and it's not them, the corporation will throw the local elders, the victim, and anyone else under the bus in a hot legal second if it will divert scrutiny away from the corporation. That's what they are paid to do.
Normal things you missed out on as a kid (besides holidays)
by Are you serious insince me and my siblings had to go to service every saturday, and i mean every saturday, i missed out on something so normal as watching good ole saturday morning cartoons from the 70's and 80's.
i remember wishing i could stay home just one saturday so i could watch cartoons.
but noooo we had to go save lives!
My parents started the road to baptism when I was about 12. What I miss the most is my dad pre Jehovah's witnesses days, but still the best dad a boy could have. Next all the girls I didn't get to know because they were worldy. -
How do they get away with "New Light"?
by moreconfusedthanever inone thing that bothers me greatly is the fact that they can change their policies and beliefs and just say its "new light" and no one bats an eyelid.. there are many scriptures such as isaiah 40:8 "the word of god will last to time indefinite.
" or hebrews 6:18 "it is impossible for god to lie".
if he is "spirit directing" the borg then there should be no need for new light..
Average Joe, no idea what that is, have to take your word for it!!
How do they get away with "New Light"?
by moreconfusedthanever inone thing that bothers me greatly is the fact that they can change their policies and beliefs and just say its "new light" and no one bats an eyelid.. there are many scriptures such as isaiah 40:8 "the word of god will last to time indefinite.
" or hebrews 6:18 "it is impossible for god to lie".
if he is "spirit directing" the borg then there should be no need for new light..
Agree with comments but also realize many WANT to believe,---Armeggedon not here yet, overlapping generations that explains that, number of partakers growing, people are misguided. Easier for many to accept the changes then admit they were misguided and cut their losses and run.