JoinedPosts by NeckBeard
Islam not compatible with Democracy
Most Muslims are Arabs - and certainly Islam originated in an Arab country with Arabic as the language of Islamic holy books. Islam is totally dependent on Arabic culture - in fact, when you talk about one, you are often talking about the other. Professor Salim Mansur, a Sunni Muslim living in Toronto has written extensively about Muslims and the Arab culture and says that democracy will not work until this culture changes. He notes that the Arab League consists of 21 states and the Palestinian Authority and not one of them are a democracy.
He says: "For democracy to work, the prerequisite is a culture in which the people recognizes the 'other' - irrespective of how the 'other' is defined in terms of ethnicity or religion or gender - as equal, and their interests and aspirations as legitimate.
This recognition of the 'other' is missing in Arab culture. The 'other' is merely tolerated in a subordinate status and since the 'other' in the modern context is unwilling to be consigned indefinitely into an inferior position, the result is the repeated cycle of rebellion and repression in Arab history."
Many of Professor Mansur's articles are published on this site - his latest is a concise explanation (read full article here) of why the Arab Spring may not mean much change. At least not for a while. He quotes Author Fatima Mernissi who has written a book on this subject. Her conclusion: "In our time," Mernissi writes, "freedom in the Arab world is synonymous with disorder." And so a culture suspicious of the West will continue to prefer arid summers of tribal order over any spring that heralds freedom for its people.
It's easy to blame the secular culture and I don't dispute that argument. But the culture is sustained by its connection with Islam. While Arabs cling to their obsolete beliefs, they will continue with their obsolete culture. While Islam dominates, they will be unlikely to enjoy the freedom and benefits of democracy.
A fully rational move on their part would be to become atheist or at least agnostic and reject any organized religion. An interim step that would help would be to transition via Christianity as suggested by Ayaan Hirsi Ali.
The cause of the Fukushima nuclear disaster
by s-kudaka inthe fukushima nuclear disaster is claimed that japanese government which was troubled with the place of dumping for the nuclear waste was selling off secretly the plutonium to iran.. the zionist of israel who found this and flew into rage caused the tsunami earthquake (m6.8) as retaliation to east japan by the atomic bomb, devising computer virus and exploding mini atomic bomb in the fukushima nuclear power plant..
Japan not hit by 9.0 quake? False flag nuclear weaponry actually destroyed Fukushima, claims report
Sunday, June 12, 2011 by: Ethan A. Huff, staff writer
(NaturalNews) What if the alleged 9.0+ magnitude mega earthquake that was said to have hit off the coast of Japan back on March 11 never actually happened, and the resultant tsunami that destroyed the Fukushima Daiichi nuclear plant was actually a deliberate, false flag attack using nuclear weapons? Freelance journalist Jim Stone offers compelling evidence that the official story we have all been told concerning the disaster is a phony coverup for a concerted attack against Japan, possibly for offering to enrichuraniumfor Iran.
An actual 9.0+ mega-quake would have leveled the whole country ofJapan
Consider first the massive impact of an actual 9.0 magnitudeearthquake, which would have been about 100 times more powerful than the 6.8 magnitude Great Hanshin earthquake of 1995 that destroyed much of the city of Kobe, located about 12.5 miles from the epicenter, and that killed more than 6,400people. If the March 11 earthquake in Japan was actually a 9.0, it would have devastated everything within a 1,000-mile radius of the epicenter -- and yet the city of Sendai, for example, which is only about 48 miles from the epicenter, suffered virtually no structural damage whatsoever.
Truth be told, the only areas that suffered any significant damage at all were areas hit by thetsunami, which included theFukushimanuclear plant. Besides the immense damage that occurred at the tsunami-hitnuclearplant, there was virtually no seismic damage in any other towns orcitiesnear the epicenter that were not hit by the tsunami, which suggests that the earthquake could not have been anywhere close to a 9.0. According to Stone'sreview, the size of the earthquake that hit off Japan's coast actually registered at only about a 6.67 magnitude, according to some readings, while the tsunami that ensued was the equivalent of what would have occurred during an actual 9.0.Cities and towns hit by tsunami appeared strangely unaware that it was even coming
Another factor to consider is that the towns and cities hit by the tsunami appeared to be largely unaware that it was even coming until moments before it arrived. If a 9.0 earthquake had actually hit as claimed, these areas would have not only experienced monumental destruction beforehand, but people living in them would have already been evacuating the area between when the earthquake supposedly hit, and roughly 40 minutes later when the tsunami actually arrived.
Variousvideoclips and photos in towns and cities about to be hit by the approaching tsunami reveal that business was largely taking place a usual just minutes before it hit. People are shown walking around, buildings are intact, and little appears to be out of place, despite the fact that a mega-quake has supposedly just occurred. Take a look for yourself at Stone'sinformation, as well as photos and videos captured, and think to yourself whether or not the official story makes sense inlightof what actually took place ( damage at Fukushima, and particularly at non-operational Reactor 4, could not have occurred simply from flooding or an earthquake
According to Stone's analysis, the damage that took place at the Fukushima nuclear facility could not have been the result of just flooding or even a 9.0 earthquake, assuming that one actually occurred. High-resolution aerial images of the damaged plant taken on March 24 show not only a completely missing Reactor 3, despite ongoing reports that it was still there, but also a completely demolished Reactor 4.
Remember the massiveexplosionthat took place at Reactor 3 just a few days after the tsunami hit? ( Blamed onhydrogenbuildup, this disastrous event could not have occurred as a result of damage caused by the earthquake or tsunami because a special emergency hydrogen stack designed specifically to deal with hydrogen buildup had been installed at Fukushima following the disastrous Three Mile Island accident. This special hydrogen stack does not require electricity to run, so it was fully operational during the time of the explosion and would have mitigated any hydrogen buildup.
And what about the mysterious Reactor 4 explosion, which occurred despite the fact that the reactor had been de-fueled, and was allegedly non-operational? Even in a worst-case scenario where itsfuelrods completely melt down, the type of explosion that would follow would not be capable of literally disintegrating Reactor 4's thick, concrete walls, which is what actually occurred. And Reactor 4 was so heavily damaged by this explosion that it was expected to literally collapse.
So what caused these massive explosions in Reactors 3 and 4 to occur? According to Stone, nuclear weaponry was used to forcibly demolish these structures. Magna BSP, asecurityfirm, allegedly installed massive "security cameras" inside the reactors prior to the disaster. These cameras weighed over 1,000 pounds, and look oddly similar to uranium gun-type nuclear bombs (
When you put two and two together, it appears as thoughnuclear weaponsdisguised as security cameras may have been used to blow up Fukushima's reactors. Perhaps this explains the reason for the information blackout on Reactor 4 that occurred in the days following the disaster (
Add to the mix a nuclear-induced tsnuami and corresponding earthquake, and you have the perfect scapegoat for deliberately targeting a nuclear facility and blaming it onnaturalcauses.A critical analysis of the facts actually makes the official story look like aconspiracy theory
Before dismissing this information as just another wackyconspiracytheory, take the time to review Stone's analysis, and think critically about the basic laws of physics in light of the information we have been told by the media. Would a real 9.0 earthquake have left nearby cities that were not hit by the tsunami undamaged? Why did the Tokyo Electric Power Company (TEPCO) withhold crucial information about Reactor 4 for so long? And why did such massive damage occur from supposed explosions that, in reality, could not have physically caused them?
These and other questions raise doubt about the official story concerning the Japan earthquake and tsunami. Of course, the reasonswhyanyone would inflict this type of disaster on purpose is a different subject entirely, but that the disaster appears to have been deliberately caused is a possibility that every critical-thinking person would do best to consider. -
Body language expert Tanya Reiman: Obama's body language full of range and contempt:
White House Insider: Obama’s Rage Over Netanyahu Meeting: "What the F-ck was that?"
Shortly after the photo-op meeting and “working lunch” with Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu, the one that saw President Obama openly chastised by the Prime Minister for Obama’s earlier public comments regarding wanting to see Israel return to its 1967 borders, the president verbally “went off” on Richard Daley in the private study area that adjoins the Oval Office. President Obama’s verbal attack was clearly heard by numerous staff up and down the West Wing hallways.
The essence of the president’s rage and embarrassment can best be summed up with him yelling out very loudly, “What the f-ck was that!?” That phrase was apparently repeated a number of times in the span of about five minutes, a time period in which Obama’s voice became “louder and louder” and culminating in Obama exclaiming, “Never again! Do you understand me? Never again!” Any response by Bill Daley back to the president, if given, was not overheard.
Watch what happens when Obama's teleprompter goes out.
How to dimantle a human being.
by eruption inmost of us posters who are here at the moment cant have failed to notice philidephia ponos got a kicking, the guy had a legitamate point, re elders and ms who are still in and who post here.
what was his crime ?
he had the temerity to lable them as hypocrites, which they are.. later on jlp brought pps previous difficultys to light, a fact most posters here were probably ignorant off.. anyway that guy got such a shafting for telling the truth about what happens here, personally i think he should be applauded, because he demonstrated courage in the face of overwhelming adversity, which should help him with dealing with his difficultys in his work place, if he can cope with the adversities he has experienced here, he will have no problems in dealing with his (secular) workplace.. i have only been here for 8 weeks, and within that short timeframe i already see the group dynamics of our time at jwn unfold, i see alliances being forged, the subtle use of language and samantics as posters here seek advantage and seniority, and want to adopt common ground, to advance themselves as leaders and spokesman, this mirrors my 13 years of being a jw, it seems to me that ex elders and servants display the same characteristics, they employed as jw,s and expect them to work here, which they do.doesnt say a lot about jwn.. anyway a young guy, still learning the ropes, gets anhilated here its not much of a recomendation to post is it, ?.
As you have crapped upon others
so shall you be crapped on.
LUCY! This 'splains his behavior!
Neither was Sarah Palin, until the spinmeisters did research, hoping for something to bail her ou
I didn't know that LA Times and Boston Globe were both Palin spinmeisters.