it just gets better and better.....
Sarah Palin flubs the Paul Revere story 'Paul warned the British' HaahaaHaaaHaa
by designs 129 Replies latest social entertainment
Yeah, I saw that. She just lacks basic knowledge about stuff she should have learned in K-12. It's funny, the lack of knowledge doesn't keep her from constantly talking. Why exactly does she think she can run a country? Also, why do people pay her big money for speaking engagements?
Band on the Run
She strikes me as ignorant as all get out and not aware of her ignorance. Clearly, she does not know basic facts the same as others running for office. Many Americans seem to love her for her ignorance, while others hate her guts. I don't like the way she talks. She doesn't propose ideas with facts to show people how it work. Rather, she talks at me. It isn't only her party. Hillary also drives me crazy. I can't believe OBama appointed her anything after the way she carried on even post-primary. Bill was even worse. Many of us wrot emails to the campaign begging him not to have her as vp.
She could just misspeak. Caroline Kennedy had a similar problem in NY. She was very incoherent for someone from her background. Speech experts, however, said it was a habit easily broken with time. Time she did not have. Sarah Palin was chosen to be the attack dog and show that GOPS have women professionals, too. I forgot what she did before public office.
It seems people are not chosen for themselves as much as bringing in the electorate and raising money.
Sadly, out of arrogance and need for attention, she fills in the blanks of her lacking knowledge with made up facts.
Even sadder, there are people who eat it with a spoon.
She is startlingly dumb.
Didn't she also say the Statue of Liberty was given to the US as a warning by France to not develop socialist policies (although they were developing them themselves at the time)?
Didn't she also say the Statue of Liberty was given to the US as a warning by France to not develop socialist policies
I hadn't heard about that one. She should refudiate that!
I needed a good Laugh to wind down the day and Sarah Palin came through, its too perfect ...
Listen, my children, and you will hear The inane ramblings of Sarah Dear She opened her mouth, and out came what? A garbled tale of that which was not!
Terra Incognita
I'm shocked that no one has linked this by now. Shame on you all!
The idiots are coming!
The idiots are coming!
The idiots are here!
I had to cook dinner!!!