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JoinedPosts by lepavoux
WT Society Alters their History as " The Party " did in George Orwell's 1984
by flipper infinally my wife and i got around to reading george orwell's " 1984 " .
as many of you know who have read the book that " the party " or " big brother " as the ruling power in the book is called ; constantly changes records of it's past dealings so as to deceive the public about any false forecasts they may have mistakenly made ; in an effort to put forth a positive image of itself it destroys past embarrassing records or paperwork which would expose the " party " as a failure.
much the way the wt society has altered their history to deceive the public and their own members.. notice this quote from george orwell's " 1984 " on pg.
Confusing messages at DC
by Kensho inokay i know everyone has probably already attended the dc and have posted their experiences here, but i just went to fri. and sat.
session (with a drama although timely for families i thought would never end) and a couple of bizarre things stood out.. very poor attempt at explaining the overlapping gen. new light.
during the brother's talk he said" there are two phases to the overlapping generations".
When the new seven members of the Governing Body die off you know what will happen then don't you?
The Chain-Reaction, leap-Froging Trick will take place all over again with a new Governing Body, and so on and so on.
Unless of course the 7 and a half million wake up to it. What do you think?
When Was Ancient Jerusalem Destroyed? Why It Matters - What the Evidence Shows
by wannabefree inobviously 607 is a problem, watchower coming out full forces on this one in the latest public edition..
When was Ancient Jersalem Destroyed? 607BC or 587BC?
Answer, it does not matter, why not? Because there was only one fulfillment of Nebuchadnezzar's dream with Daniel Chap 4 of the chopped down tree, there is no 2520 years concoction that has been around for hundreds of years!
Satan never sleeps with all his wicked tricks.
That Magical Number: 2,520
by Quendi ini wanted to relate this experience i had on sunday while renewing ties with an old friend.
we argued about the meaning of daniel 4 and nebuchadnezzar's "tree dream".
my friend had insisted this dream told the reader the length of the gentile times.
Russell used "inches" measurements of The Great Pyramid to get to his 1914 date, when the Pyramid was built was it not cubits that were used in those days?"Inches"were not used back then!
Did he Claim God foresaw the measurements in the 19th century would be in "inches" therefore he laid out the Pyramid in "inches?
When Was Ancient Jerusalem Destroyed? Why It Matters - What the Evidence Shows
by wannabefree inobviously 607 is a problem, watchower coming out full forces on this one in the latest public edition..
You know the answer to all of this debate, it's in the book " THE GENTILE TIMES RECONSIDERED "! (By Carl Olof Jonsson)
Chapter 6 shows that Nebuchadnezzar's dream of the chopped-down tree regarding "The Seven Times" had only one fulfillment, to say there was a 2nd fulfillment has no scriptural authority at all.
So therefore it is not relevant if Jerusalem was destroyed in 607 BC or 587 BC because "2520 years" "Seven Times" is nothing but a made up concoction.
The one and only fulfillment was to humble Nebuchadnezzar for the arrogance that he had.
If only William Miller, Nelson Barbour and Charles Russell had seen this maybe Jehovah's Witnesses would not be in the mess they are in now!
587 B.C.E vs 607 B.C.E
by fade_away inthe latest oct. watchtower has an article that seems to be controversial amongst us "apostates.
" it's a long complicated article with tons of confusing names and dates, but in the end it sums it up and says:.
"to sum up: the bible clearly states that there was an exile of 70 years.
The desolation of Palestine by the Babylonians took place 20 years before the destruction of Jerusalem, (587 BCE) herefore the captivity was 50 years, making a total of 70 years altogether.
The best book on this subject is "The Gentile Times Reconsidered", you should be able to get it from"Commentary Press" Atlanta or "Amazon".
by lepavoux inin english we read from left to right, but in hebrew they read from right to left.. now the tetragrammaton yhwh (yahweh) we read god's name in the english from left to right,but is this correct?
should we not be reading the name from right to left?
if we did this the pronunciation would it not be in the opposite direction?
Very well explained and instructive thank you all.
So when christians in the future go into Asia to complete Matt 24:14 "In all the inhabited earth " we will know what word and pronunciation to use to the Islamic people - something very important.
Also we will have to use the Divine Name in the languages of India and the Chinese languages, does anybody know what they are and how they are pronounced?
(There are 3 billion+ people yet in Asia to be preached to).
by lepavoux inin english we read from left to right, but in hebrew they read from right to left.. now the tetragrammaton yhwh (yahweh) we read god's name in the english from left to right,but is this correct?
should we not be reading the name from right to left?
if we did this the pronunciation would it not be in the opposite direction?
Another point, the New World Translation at the front is published in Arabic so what name is used? Allah or Jehovah, Yahweh?
by lepavoux inin english we read from left to right, but in hebrew they read from right to left.. now the tetragrammaton yhwh (yahweh) we read god's name in the english from left to right,but is this correct?
should we not be reading the name from right to left?
if we did this the pronunciation would it not be in the opposite direction?
Thank you every one, the information above has been very good, instructive, and deep.
Now in Arabic the name of God is Allah, but is this a title?
If two persons were talking in Arabic would they use the Divine Name in Arabic, if so what is it?
Also in translating the bible from the English that uses the Divine Name into an Arabic translation would YHWH be used?
Any thoughts on this anyone?
Br. Loesch - great tribulation, king of the north, generation overlap, new scrolls and more...
by Bonnie_Clyde injust got this email...... .
subject: zone report germany date: 5/17/11 2:02:57 am.
we thought we would share one of our interesting experiences with you.
The Watchtower generation means a leap-frog generation - meaning a continuous generation after generation, they are trying to run away from their collapsed 70 year 1914 generation.
Why Armageddon cannot come yet is because of Mark 13:10,which says the christian gospel has to be preached IN ALL THE EARTH FIRST, YES FIRST.
China and India in Asia contains millions and millions of people that have yet to be preached to.
The Watchtower has always been blind to this.
Just think of yourself in one of those countries, Armageddon suddenly strikes, and you say to yourself what on earth is going on? I have never heard of Jehovah's Witnesses or the Christian message.
Because Jehovah is a God of love he as yet will give these people the opportunity to hear the christian message.
In 1999 they disfellowshiped me for saying the above things, how very very sad, for them all.
How will it all end for them all, I dread to think.