There are no 'records' of a global flood, nor are there any of the garden of eden. Genesis was written around 1500 BCE, most of the events described therein happened way earlier, and nobody that could have seen these events was alive when Genesis was written.
if someone would write an unreferenced book about events from a 1000 years ago, that cannot be called 'records'. they can be called stories.
Geologists are quite well-placed to inform us when the land mass of the earth was one continent, the drifting apart of the continents happened way earlier than 4000 years ago. The last supercontinent was called Pangaea in their terminolgy, and the final stage of breaking up into the continents of today happened 55 million years ago. (check for 'evidence of existence' and 'rifting and break-up')
the practical problems with the worldwide flood account like: 'how did the animals get back to their original ground' can therefore not be solved without throwing proven scientific evidence in the bin.
Obviously you are always free to choose to believe what you want, however it should not be called truthfull, reliable info from a divine source, if it is so easy to prove its not correct