People who believe that every verse of the Bible is inspired are in for a shock. According to Genesis account, God created heavens and the earth—in a one-time act. But an experiment conducted at the South Pole, two weeks back, has caught ripples in the oldest light in the universe. The scientists feel that these could be signs of gravitational waves rippling through the early universe shortly after the Big Bang. If confirmed, gravitational waves could validate the inflationary theory of creation. This suggests that the infant universe popped and expanded exponentially from a singularity immediately after the Big Bang. The new results also support the eternal recurrence of creation over and over again: that is the logic of the controversial multiverse hypothesis that if you can start one universe from a very small seed, its equally feasible to start other universes from small seeds. Thus, there is nothing unique about Big Bang, which becomes a reproducible event that could, and would, happen again, and again, and again.
However, this sends no shock-wave to the East where from the ancient time people have been believing that “our universe is not just one cosmic balloon but a fractal of balloons producing new balloons producing new balloons forever.” This goes with a God who declares: “I am tinier than the tiniest and the eternal seed of all creatures.” (Bhagavat Gita 7:10; 8:9)