But why are more "atheists" - your term - bad news?
someone said atheists are a minority.
i think that is incorrect.
salvation belongs to yhwh.
But why are more "atheists" - your term - bad news?
someone said atheists are a minority.
i think that is incorrect.
salvation belongs to yhwh.
Bad news, I know
Can I ask why it's bad news?
someone said atheists are a minority.
i think that is incorrect.
salvation belongs to yhwh.
From here:
Far off in Dreamtime, there were only people, no animals or birds, no trees or bushes, no hills or mountains.
The country was flat. Goorialla, the great Rainbow Serpent, stirred and set off to look for his own tribe. He travelled across Australia from South to North. He reached Cape York where he stopped and made a big red mountain called Naralullgan. He listened to the wind and heard only voices speaking strange languages.
This is not my country, the people here speak a different tongue. I must look for my own people. Goorialla left Naralullgan and his huge body made a deep gorge where he came down. He travelled North for many days and his tracks made the creeks and rivers as he journeyed North. Goorialla made two more mountains, one of the Naradunga was long made of granite, the other had sharp peaks and five caves and was called, Minalinha. One day Goorialla heard singing and said, "Those are my people, they are holding a big Bora." At the meeting place of the two rivers, Goorialla found his own people singing and dancing. He watched for a long time, then he came out and was welcomed by his people. He showed the men how to dress properly and taught them to dance. A big storm was gathering, so all the people built humpies for shelter.
Two young men, the bil-bil or Rainbow Lorikeet brothers came looking for shelter but no one had any room. They asked their grandmother, the Star Woman but she had too many dogs and couldn't help them. the Bil-bil brothers went to Goorialla who was snoring in his humpy but he had no room. The rain got heavier and the boys went back to Goorialla and called out that the rain was heavy. Goorialla said, "All right come in now." The Bil-bil bothers ran into Goorialla's mouth and he swallowed them. Then he began to worry about what the people would say when they found the boys missing. He decided to travel North to Bora-bunaru, the only great natural mountain in the land. Next morning the people found that the boys were gone and saw the tracks of Goorialla and knew that he had swallowed them.
You may never see these lakes or mountains, but after the rain you will see his spirit in the sky , which is the rainbow. This is the reason why he is called Goorialla the Rainbow Serpent.
There are many versions of the Rainbow Serpent legend. The Rainbow Serpent is associated with water and rain, and therefore with fertility and abundance. The winding beds of dry creeks are often identified as his or her tracks. As small striped worms and snakes are found near water inland, these are the RS's progeny while his spirit is the actual rainbow.
This site shows that the rainbow serpent appreared in Arnhem land rock art 6000+ years ago.
someone said atheists are a minority.
i think that is incorrect.
salvation belongs to yhwh.
The rainbow serpent is an Australian aboriginal creation myth, a really beautiful one. If you want detail, I'll catch up tomorrow.
night all, Retro
someone said atheists are a minority.
i think that is incorrect.
salvation belongs to yhwh.
I should say that the thinking and arguing people here have looked for evidence of God. Because how else can they call us stupid fools for believing?
OK thanks for clarifying. My take is that whatever isn't contradicted by fact, each of us can have a belief about that. Nothing stupid or foolish about it either.
But when scientific theories are ridiculed on the basis of prior belief (or wilful misunderstanding), that's plainly silly. The scientific method is a way of trying to understand the universe we live in. For a believer to deny the reality of what was created (by any way God chose, including evolution), seems to me a sad lack of trust.
This doesn't mean that any current scientific theory is perfect and must be believed. Most scientists know this very well and don't equate a theory or discovery with denial of a religious tenet.
someone said atheists are a minority.
i think that is incorrect.
salvation belongs to yhwh.
I'm sorry I can not know what born in means. I have wondered about it.
I understand that to mean you arrived at your present beliefs by searching and thinking. Is this right?
Jehovah's Witness and Jewish is similar that way, are they?
Couldn't say. I'm neither jw nor Jewish, and have never been. But many of my friends are reverting to the practices of the religion they were born into in their 50s; for that matter I enjoy reviving some of the customs and practices I grew up with.
Thinking people look for evidence of God
They do? I know many thinking people that go with what is, rather than searching for something that may never have been.
someone said atheists are a minority.
i think that is incorrect.
salvation belongs to yhwh.
The versions of religion are man made
People worship whatever they want to (thus selfish) and they make religion out of it
Beg to differ. People generally believe what they were taught as children, and/or what someone they admire and respect believes. For example, one of the jws admitted to me that she disliked going door to door, but believed that Jehovah required it.
Do you mean like watching a lot of sport is sometimes called "worshipping" sport?
someone said atheists are a minority.
i think that is incorrect.
salvation belongs to yhwh.
Good question, N.Drew - I think it's because he was a human like us.
How do you get to the "many differing versions" from "because people are selfish"?
someone said atheists are a minority.
i think that is incorrect.
salvation belongs to yhwh.
Salvation belongs to YHWH. "Let your will be done". Isn't anyone who is against the will of God an atheist?
Hi N.Drew,
Strictly speaking, no, if someone beleives in God and chooses not to do God's will, that person isn't an atheist.
So what is the will of God? And why are there so many different versions?
(and just for clarity, I'm a Deist, not an atheist)
Welcome, Celticstorm!