The need for ANY such trees in the garden is proof that the 'creator' was an idoit who didn't trust his own perfect creation...In short, god is a fucknut....
ok , why was it necessary for god to places a arm cherubim.
to guard the way to the tree of life?
adam and eve had.
The need for ANY such trees in the garden is proof that the 'creator' was an idoit who didn't trust his own perfect creation...In short, god is a fucknut....
hmmmmmm lol.
Thanks jemba. DigitalAtrocities is the name of my studio and that's my logo. Glad you like it.
Father's day is a depressing day for me. My dad said I'm no longer his son and threw me away. I think I'm going to take a few shots (Kraken rum). Maybe that'll help.
my wife asked me if i believe that christ came to power in 1914. sadly this question shows how little she knows even about her own religion as she knows the heart of my problems with the society start with the 607 bc debacle.
obviously no 607 means no 1914. alas....the conversation eventually morphed and it got to the point where i decided to ask her a point blank question.
what would it take to get you to realize that your religion is false?
I thank my lucky stars that my wife listened to my tearful appeal and considered my research findings about the jws. She saw how heartbroken I was to know the truth about the "truth". I was able to stir her into addressing some of her own doubts. That combined with my heartbreaking realizations and findings was enough to sway her. We disassociated together last summer. I got lucky I guess.
I hope she sees the 'light' and realizes you are right about what you are trying to tell her some day. Hang in there brother!
i mean really whats the number one reason a dub gets kicked out the org?
one of stongest natural desires and he was supposed to be a full fledged human all desires and everything i mean satan tempted him with food but no sexual pleasure?
and was he attracted to women?
I bet he masterbated at least once...Maybe just to check if his perfect organ worked properly...
it's taken a while, but i've finally managed to put up an article on this remarkable court case.. a link to my article is below:.
i've tried very hard to make the article as factual as possible by reading and comparing the various documents available.
In some of the comments posted on the news stories (abc news, nbc news etc.) some jws or apologists were calling Candace Conti a gold digger.
Here's proof that she's not:
a poster named dishonest john did a cool wt cover over at jwr and i thought i'd put my own spin on it.... . .
A poster named Dishonest John did a cool wt cover over at JWR and I thought I'd put my own spin on it...
the plaintiff, candace conti's goal from the very beginning was to bring enough attention to this problem to incentivize watchtower to change its policy of secrecy.
the award can be explained as it was decided: separate compensatory and punitive damages.
the punitive award is established in law to punish wrongdoing - here, the conscious disregard for others - and deter that conduct in the future.
"The elders admonished Kendrick to stay away from children and stripped him of his unpaid role as a ministerial servant, McCabe said, though his fellow congregants were not told the reason and police were not notified .
"The elders watched him after that," McCabe said. "They met with the family, and the family seemed like they were working it out . No one saw him do anything inappropriate after that, or heard anything inappropriate. ... The congregation never put (Conti) in a situation of danger with this man ."
"The congregation never put (Conti) in a situation of danger with this man." Really? They put her in " a situation of danger " because "His fellow congregants were not told the reason and police were not notified" ...
Lying Bastards !