This level of rejection is a bitter pill to swallow, sorry you have to go through this. It's evil and completely un natural to abandon family like that. My heart goes out to you.
here is an email that my grandmother sent me yesterday.. .
shawn, it's very difficult & sad to come to this decision, but because of your attitude towards the truth & us personally (thinking that we are stupid) we're going to treat you as a disfellowshipped person from now on.
actually, you're worse than them because usually they know they have not kept their oath to jehovah & don't speak abusively of the organization and don't turn apostate.
This level of rejection is a bitter pill to swallow, sorry you have to go through this. It's evil and completely un natural to abandon family like that. My heart goes out to you.
this accomplish?
the situation which surround the soul.
change with each life, therefore how does this allow.
My take on reincarnation is much like that of Wallace McRae :
Here is a poem
"What does Reincarnation mean?"
A cowpoke asked his friend.
His pal replied, "It happens when
Yer life has reached its end.
They comb yer hair, and warsh yer neck,
And clean yer fingernails,
And lay you in a padded box
Away from life's travails."
"The box and you goes in a hole,
That's been dug into the ground.
Reincarnation starts in when
Yore planted 'neath a mound.
Them clods melt down, just like yer box,
And you who is inside.
And then yore just beginnin' on
Yer transformation ride."
"In a while, the grass'll grow
Upon yer rendered mound.
Till some day on yer moldered grave
A lonely flower is found.
And say a hoss should wander by
And graze upon this flower
That once wuz you, but now's become
Yer vegetative bower."
"The posy that the hoss done ate
Up, with his other feed,
Makes bone, and fat, and muscle
Essential to the steed,
But some is left that he can't use
And so it passes through,
And finally lays upon the ground
This thing, that once wuz you."
"Then say, by chance, I wanders by
And sees this upon the ground,
And I ponders, and I wonders at,
This object that I found.
I thinks of reincarnation,
Of life and death, and such,
And come away concludin': 'Slim,
You ain't changed, all that much.'"
Cops are not our friends. That's what she gets for screwing with them plain and simple.
there have been several threads about music the last few days, so i decided to start another.. this song absolutely makes me tear up every time i hear it.. .
This song reminds me of my JW dad, and that I will never have him as a father ever again. I cry when I hear it. The imagery of a father loving his son portrayed in the video is upsetting. My dad ought to feel the love for me that the father in the video does for his son. I miss my daddy, but I'm on my own...
just noticed the other thread about who you'd like to meet - how about this one for those you have met.. prolly going to miss a few but here goes:.
sweet pea.
snow queen.
I've only 'met' FlyingHighNow, She's my auntie. Love ya auntie!
the anonymous hacker group has proven themselves effective in the past.
lets wait and see if they pull it off again with the wts..
Why would Anonymous announce their intentions?
...because they are hard to stop once they set their sights on a cause. They shut down us govenment websites. They are legion!
why did you become a jehovah's witness ?.
initially upon entering the religion what were the positive things you experienced ?.
how did that particular way of thinking both benefit and harm you ?.
I had no choice...
if so, and it's the type that requires you to switch to 4wd, how often do you use that capability?
i know more than a few people with 4wd capability but never use it.
a couple of these folks don't even know what it's for.
I drive a Jeep Grand Cherokee 4wd. I do have to manually put it in 4. I use it mostly when it's rainy, muddy or snowy out. I need new tires and some brake work, so I'm not taking it off road for now. But she's seen her share of mud coatings. I do love to sling mud...
about three years ago my wife went through a bout of problems with her eyes, double vision, trouble focusing and the like.
after weeks of going to specialists etc no one knew for sure what it was and after a few weeks it went away by itself.
a couple of weeks ago it came back along with some other symptoms, notably weakness and pain in her legs.
I'll focus my good vibes your way pal. Hang in there, the both of you.
a hells angel studied with the dubs and progressed until he was ready for field service.
the local elder decided to accompany him on his first trip in the field.
the hells angels wannabe dub had bought a suit, white shirt and tie and when he put it on, it covered up all his body ink except that on his neck and the swastikas and skull and crossbones all over his face, and on his hands and wrists.. they go to the first door and the householder says, "yes?
Nice story Farkel. Did he ever go in service again? If so, did he use his chopper as a service vehicle?