You ought to know they don't.
You ought to know they don't.
this is a short video i made a few years ago to be the intro for some future jw parodies i had thought about making.
i took a picture of russell and animated it and tamed him into being my new mascot. .
Cool ideas sparky. I made these a few years ago and then life kept me from doing anything further. I hope to get back into it sometime soon.
this is a short video i made a few years ago to be the intro for some future jw parodies i had thought about making.
i took a picture of russell and animated it and tamed him into being my new mascot. .
i used to try really hard to fit in when i was an active, true blue jw.
somehow it hardly ever paid off.
time after time i attempted to mingle and make jw friends.
For a while I thought I was treated that way because I had a sign on my back that said kick me.
i pass along this advice as a new topic, to get it past one off comments that may not get as much attention.. i exited the jehovah's witnesses about a decade ago.
like many, my personal situation felt to restrained to act on my impulse and get out quickly.
i took about a year and a half to two years to leave via da.. i empathize with anybody leaving the watchtower who finds it difficult to falsify dedication, interest, and belief in both their personal and public life.
I made sure I had a remote rural territory, said I had my own arrangements so I could be alone.Then I' stop by the house and smoke a doobie before heading on out with my picnic lunch and go sight seeing.
i know that some people on the board have experience of being mormons, so i would be interested in your feedback.
at church this afternoon it was an uncanny experience.
in the past i've read a lot about mormons, so i thought i was prepared in general for what it would be like.
Mormons scare me a little...I think it's the idea of religious people running around in powerful and mystical undergarments. Power like that is a BIG responsibility and ought be well regulated by the government...Like with background checks and such.
ever been at a meeting and had a power gum chewer in attendance?
i mean, you can hear them smacking that gum from across the hall?
one time i saw her loading up.
"TimeBandit That is so funny! Did your mom let you chew gum during the meetings too?"
Actually her power chewing gradually escalated after I was grown up and had gotten married. I suppose she did let us have gum at meetings once and a while.
I think the power chewing might be a subconscious way of dealing with her crappy JW life and her borderline personality.
has anyone else felt like they should believe something after leaving wt?
i am an agnostic atheist and its so so hard for me to believe in a god or higher power.
it just doesn't make sense.
I think I can see what you mean. I am more agnostic than anything, but there's a little atheist in me too. The thing that makes me wonder sometimes is that I've actually seen stuff with my own eyes that I felt were undeniably spiritual in nature.
I don't really think there is a god, but something made the events I witnessed happen. One thing is for sure in my book, there is more that we don't know about life than we do know. I try to be open minded when my brain allows it...
ever been at a meeting and had a power gum chewer in attendance?
i mean, you can hear them smacking that gum from across the hall?
one time i saw her loading up.
Good one Simon. Actually I might have eeked a couple of wrappers myself. Usually the wrapper flappers only did it once and awhile. A power gum chewer seems to chew loudly more regularly and for longer periods of time. I guess it just depends on the gum chewers stamina and level of commitment.
I'd hate to be bitten by a power gum chewer! I bet they got some strong chewing muscles...
ever been at a meeting and had a power gum chewer in attendance?
i mean, you can hear them smacking that gum from across the hall?
one time i saw her loading up.
Ever been at a meeting and had a power gum chewer in attendance? I mean, you can hear them smacking that gum from across the hall? I used to know someone like that. One time I saw her loading up. She took like six sticks of gum and crammed them in. The noise was distracting and it made me think that some people are not very self aware about certain things. They have no idea that they are an embarrassment to themselves and the whole congregation.
The sister I mentioned was actually counseled about it by the elders. All during the local needs part about not chewing gum at the meetings she smacked away looking right at the speaker. I know the elder was talking about her and so did everyone else.
I rolled my eyes and thought she was just some idiot who didn't even realize they were talking about what she was doing. But now, looking back, I see it as a blatant act of defiance. Now I'm starting to think that she was openly defying them in some small way. She's sort of a hero in a small way. She got away with it. She put one over on them. I think she figured out that they would never disfellowship her for chewing gum....Personally I hope it led to her leaving the JWs. Maybe it was the catalyst for more bravery on her part.
No. It turns out she indeed was just some idiot who didn't even realize they were talking about her and what she was doing. How do I know that you might wonder. The sister I spoke of is my own mother....