I think the entire video was terrific. He is very well spoken and I can tell that he has spent a lot of time doing his research. Yeah, the bunker thing was funny, but I enjoyed his thoughtful and kind presentation more.
this video is hilarious, had to share - skip to 12:20 .
I think the entire video was terrific. He is very well spoken and I can tell that he has spent a lot of time doing his research. Yeah, the bunker thing was funny, but I enjoyed his thoughtful and kind presentation more.
hey y'all.
i just wanted to officially make my debut on https://www.jehovahs-witness.com and introduce myself.
i'm an old jwrer, and it looks like i'll be dropping in on here now for cult updates and friendly conversation.. a little about myself:.
Hey barbie, I'm from the south. Lived all over it. My southern accent is almost gone, but not completely...People still comment on it though so I guess it's still audible. I notice though that when I get emotional my accent gets really pronounced. Also, If I happen to be talking to someone else with a good southern accent then mine sort of wakes up and before I know it I sound like they do. Does that happen to you?
You ought to know they don't.
this is a short video i made a few years ago to be the intro for some future jw parodies i had thought about making.
i took a picture of russell and animated it and tamed him into being my new mascot.
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8ghiolgml-g .
Cool ideas sparky. I made these a few years ago and then life kept me from doing anything further. I hope to get back into it sometime soon.
this is a short video i made a few years ago to be the intro for some future jw parodies i had thought about making.
i took a picture of russell and animated it and tamed him into being my new mascot.
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8ghiolgml-g .
i used to try really hard to fit in when i was an active, true blue jw.
somehow it hardly ever paid off.
time after time i attempted to mingle and make jw friends.
For a while I thought I was treated that way because I had a sign on my back that said kick me.
i pass along this advice as a new topic, to get it past one off comments that may not get as much attention.. i exited the jehovah's witnesses about a decade ago.
like many, my personal situation felt to restrained to act on my impulse and get out quickly.
i took about a year and a half to two years to leave via da.. i empathize with anybody leaving the watchtower who finds it difficult to falsify dedication, interest, and belief in both their personal and public life.
I made sure I had a remote rural territory, said I had my own arrangements so I could be alone.Then I' stop by the house and smoke a doobie before heading on out with my picnic lunch and go sight seeing.
i know that some people on the board have experience of being mormons, so i would be interested in your feedback.
at church this afternoon it was an uncanny experience.
in the past i've read a lot about mormons, so i thought i was prepared in general for what it would be like.
Mormons scare me a little...I think it's the idea of religious people running around in powerful and mystical undergarments. Power like that is a BIG responsibility and ought be well regulated by the government...Like with background checks and such.
ever been at a meeting and had a power gum chewer in attendance?
i mean, you can hear them smacking that gum from across the hall?
one time i saw her loading up.
"TimeBandit That is so funny! Did your mom let you chew gum during the meetings too?"
Actually her power chewing gradually escalated after I was grown up and had gotten married. I suppose she did let us have gum at meetings once and a while.
I think the power chewing might be a subconscious way of dealing with her crappy JW life and her borderline personality.
has anyone else felt like they should believe something after leaving wt?
i am an agnostic atheist and its so so hard for me to believe in a god or higher power.
it just doesn't make sense.
I think I can see what you mean. I am more agnostic than anything, but there's a little atheist in me too. The thing that makes me wonder sometimes is that I've actually seen stuff with my own eyes that I felt were undeniably spiritual in nature.
I don't really think there is a god, but something made the events I witnessed happen. One thing is for sure in my book, there is more that we don't know about life than we do know. I try to be open minded when my brain allows it...