What a bunch of bull dust has been tossed around this thread, and contrary to the point of view of the JW's it hasn't been the 'apostates' that have been doing the shovelling.
So non-triune-god dude, you have obviously been hanging around this "apostate" site for quite sometime. I was so impressed with the JW-like love you showed for someone who you feel is so beneath you and worthy of insult. Makes me remember why I left the Kingdom Hall, sanctimonious little twirps like you.
To quote the Bethel Home Overseer "Locks on the doors are to keep the 'honest people' out. Just because someone is at bethel doesn't make them honest." The Commissary (basically a variety store for the Bethel family) used to be an open arrangment. It ended up they were losing hundreds of dollars a week due to stolen products or cash taken out of the open till. I was the one who had to investigate it with twpo other bethel Elders and establish a cashier arrangment and the commissary was locked when no cashier was available. So yes there was thievery at Bethel.
Re: the literature counter. No monies were to be kept in the literature counter even before the donation arrangment. The locks on the cabinets were so that publishers and pioneers wouldn't just ehlp themselves to the literature or the other congregation might 'borrow' literature and 'forget' to replace it.
Yes, the average Witness is honest about money. Not all are, thus the reason for the locks on Bethel doors (not just the outside ones either!) and for the locks on the literature cabinet.
Why else do you think that when counting the money from contribution boxes two brothers are supposed to count the money and sign the receipts?
Two last things. I said most JW's are honest when it comes to money however if asked to lie to protect the Organziation most would not hesitate. Thus I cannot say JW's are inherantly honest people.
Second: I personally feel your response on this thread speaks louder than anything I could say regarding the morals of a JW or a JW supporter. Your insults on Farkel are heinous, unloving and go against what you preach from the platform and door to door. You sir/ma'am are a hypocrite.
I hope you continue your reading of this apostate site contrary to the wishes of your Organization. Who knows it may start getting some of your synapses firing and you might learn something.