My x-mas wish list
For my man Farkel- a winning lottery ticket and a challenging good paying job
For Prisca - her all expense paid trip to CANADA and the States and of course a good man to share the trip wiht her
for Venice - a good man ... at least one
for Expat - a lint brush for his orange hair
For Bea - a sun lamp to brighten the dark room
For Seven - happy music for her 'cafe' and a 2 week vacation on a private beach with P. Parker
For Had Enough - her daughter and excellent son-in-law out of the Borg
For Peter Stride - someone else to organise at least one of the Toronto gatherings
For Path - a box of cubans ...cigars not refugees
For COMF - a new set of cookware for his new hobby
For Kent - manners
For simon - extra patiance and a barrow full of money to keep this site going
For Esmerelda - good health (I just luv you hun..stay strong !!)
Logical - a ray of sunshine
Dana - plane ticket to Toronto and a winter parka
Waiting - lots of love
Red Horse Woman - a new mounting block and better behaved cats
Tina - Peace
Gopher - a beautiful woman who will love you as you love her
Maximus - financial security to reward you for the love you have for others
Mr. & Mrs Bowen - a record breaking year in candle sales
Ozzie - a never ending supply of fine wine and charcoal
LDH - a full year of full night's sleep with your newborn
Ginny - a library collection of your favourite authors
Claire - a year's supply of condoms that are protected against animal attacks
Angharad - a full evening every 5 days with her husband staying off the computer..oh and what the heck a 5,000 pound shopping spree at Herrods
Fred Hall - a perpetually clean litter box
Julie - all happiness and a trip to her family's homestead up north
You Know - a clue and a little human compassion
Joelbear - peace and contentment
Xena - all the men/women you desire
Think - all the men/women you desire
Closer - ditto
To all the Cafe participants, a very merry Christmas full of music and joy
and finally to Friend - a return to the board and all peace and good wishes. I miss you.