LOLLOL!!@ Jookbeard and Unshackled that's hilarious. I'd simply say but politely say "Not interested" or "I have my own Truth". If I'm in a debate mode, I might challenge them by playing dumb and watch them squirm. hehehe
JoinedPosts by safireblu64
If JWs Come To Your Door How Will You React?
by minimus inwould you engage them in conversation?
would you be home but hiding?
would you let them have it?
Validity of 607 BCE date
by stevieb1 inhas anyone on here ever come across the tiniest shred of evidence supporting this date for the fall of jerusalem.
i understand rolf furuli is about to but something out on this subject (see, however even a table of contents has been a long time in coming from this site.
if no evidence exists what can he possibly be writing about?
WOW Alan F!!!! Fantastic! I am going to use your line of reasoning and your facts to show to my aunt!!! Fabulous!!!
LOL!! I can't make the connection, unless you mean the GB is the woolys totally stomping all over you, but either way, that's hilarious! Mammoths! lmao!
As in Wooly? lol
I was raised in it, I was even a RP, considered a "pillar" , but when I was 19 I started to see things, and then when I was 25 I offically left. Here are some reasons why:
copy and paste scriptures (scriptures applied completely out of context or made to apply to something it didn't originally even point to and used that as excuses for their doctrines), couldn't make sense of their reasonings because they just didn't make sense, beth-sarim, the holier than thou attitude that every witness carried and not only carried but taught their children, the fact that they have their own bible that is somehow more superior and "right" than any other bible out there, the whole superiority complex of being the "right" religion and the "righteous that will inherit the earth" and the only ones whose prayers God hears, Christ somehow only died for Witnesses and the GB, the identifying mark of "love" that is anything but Christ-like but is 100% conditional, judging others, comparing themselves to others, condemning others, forcing themselves on people's doorsteps or in their personal space like on the street or in their cars and then calling it persecution when they are not welcomed and people are offended by their ridiculous behaviour, when people covering up wrong-doing of elders but exploiting the wrong doing of all the inferiors, constant refusal to be accountable for making false predicitions and instead saying "we never said that", always trying to cover their ass, manipulating others, controlling the lives of millions, constant fear tactics, the guilt trips, the 1914 boohocky, the 144,000, The loyalty to the GB, never doubt the GB, absolutely never look at apostate literature, brothers can't have goatees because it's worldly, can't say bless you when you sneeze, can't make toasts (at functions) can't sing the national anthem only kingdom melodies, can't celebrate mothers day or fathers day or birthdays because that is exaulting oneself over the other, yet they go out and exault themselves over EVERY other Religion out there... HYPOCRACY and convenient scripture application much?? oh gosh need I go on?
SOOOOO glad I am out, 4 years this June 19th. Gonna have me a party!!!
Just worn out
by EmptyInside ini thought it best i stay a lurker.
it's just right now, i'm going through some doubts and just plain discouraged.
sometimes, trying to do everything just wears me out, and i feel like i'm suffocating.
Wow I guess I was late with this post, but I just read everything and wanted to say I really am happy that you have chosen to do what is right for you and not because someone tells you it's right. I grew up in the "truth" since infancy and offically started my life over from scratch at 25. I was engaged twice in the "truth" to jerks, and I am happy to say that next April I am marrying the man of my dreams who is the most wonderful man I ever met and he's not a Witness. He's a wonderful, open-minded, freely accepting, understanding, supportive fiance who is my bestfreind and I never would have found him had I not left. My sister on the other hand is newly divorced she is one year younger than myself she is 27 going on 28 and she is a single mom of a 3 year old. Her marriage lasted all of 5 years from "I do" to "I don't" and her ex-husband is now married to her bestfriend of whom he cheated with on my sister. Oh yes, and her husband was a Regular Pioneer. So don't think for a minute that you can't find love out of the "truth" because you absolutely can!!! Jehovah/Yahweh wants you to be happy, he wants you to prosper and to live your life for you, not for him. Satan wants you to think that you have to live your life for the Organization and be stiffled and denied of your happiness just as they constantly preach when they say to be "separate from the world" and "friendship with the world is emnity with God", "marry only in the lord", "bad associations spoil useful habits (associations with the world or anyone spiritually weak), these things are all decieving much like Satan did to Eve when he said "Is it really so???" So don't worry my love, you enjoy yourself, you be you, and rest assured that you are a good person, Jehovah/Yahweh loves you because he is a God of Love and he is not partial he just wants to see you happy.
"How Awful This Place Can Be!" Life at Bethel by Keith Casarona
by Dogpatch inremember the video of all the nice dudes who were on the governing body in the 70s?
(here's a refresher).. well this is what their lives were really like - the same as when i was there.
by the time it got to the end, all was left was chicken backs.
My goodness what an entertaining read!!! I laughed out loud so many times!! I am so glad that this was put up here, because it just goes to show what really goes on behind closed doors. And to think that at one time when I was younger and eager to do what was 'right' and expected, that I wanted to go to bethel and be an artist for the publications! YIKES!!! I hope that place is the first to fall in Armegeddon!
Give me your FaceBook User Id...I'll add you!!
by foolsparadise inlooking forward to some new friends from here on facebook.
reply to this post with your facebook account name so i can add you.
I am safireblu64 my fiance and I would like to find other ex-members too....I'll send you my info as I don't want to publish it under any watchful eyes :)
New Facebook Rule for JWs?
by wifeofjw injust about everyone in the hall my husband attends is deleting their facebook account.
he just cam back from a ms meeting.
what's the deal?.
I'm on facebook too, and I remember when we had coucil about BEBO. Remember that site? I think what they are trying to do is prevent any and all ways of their secrets being leaked by way of talking to ex-members. They are trying to calk every nook and cranny. It's absolutely unnecessary. They truly are trying to control virtually every aspect of our lives or whatever they can get their hands on!!!! Anyone who wants to add me to their facebook, just send me a personal message and I'll give you my name. My fiance and I are looking for ex-members to get to know. :)
What made you leave?? What were your core reasons?
by safireblu64 inhi there, i am pretty new to this forum, this absolutely wonderful forum and i just wanted to know what made you all leave?
what were your positions, responsibilities and at what point did you know you had to leave?
and are there any persons here from ontario, canada?.
Thank you all for sharing your stories.... please keep sharing because we are all in some way or another relating to each other, and leaning on each other is what is going to get us through these horror and slowly but surely we will derive the strength from each other to rebuild our lives, and that is the aggape love that Jesus was talking about.
Love and blessings to all.