Did anyone catch any points in Sunday's WT study that might have set my other off in regard to associating with non-JWs?
Here's the deal...
My youngest sister is in the process of a fade. My family knows she doesn't go to the KH anymore and that she is seriously dating a 'worldly' guy and very close to being engaged.
My parents have planned a weekend getaway for the family (exclusing us of course) and my mother indicated that the boyfriend would be included (although of course separate bedrooms).
Then all of a sudden she called my sister today and said something was said in the WT study and so now she is not comfortable with him coming. Can anyone think of what might have set her off?
My sister is pretty angry because it is just so mean to invite him and then retract the invitation... she's pretty much embarrassed by how my mother is treating him. I suggested that she let my parents know that if that's the case, she won't be going either... I mean, that's fair, right?