I agree...
Vidiot obsession is a bad id....
i'm interested in your thoughts.. the media tells us a lot of agenda driven propaganda.
you're hard pressed to spot truth these days.. however, i'm told that the rona is now just a rotten flu and not the plague we were originally terrified in to believing.
last time i heard it was down in the hit parade to 16th nasty health thing.. all the people and family i know that have had the rona, have been complaining it's a very crappy flu.
I agree...
Vidiot obsession is a bad id....
what creates an elite death spiral?claiming special privileges by virtue of having been selected among others french élite "selection, choice," "chosen person" define the term privilege.
“rights and priorities over and above others” advantage granted, special right or favor granted to a person or group, a right, immunity, benefit, or advantage enjoyed by a person or body of persons beyond the common advantages of other individuals"question: how are the privileges of the elite conferred and by what right are they exercised over others?special knowledge (insight into useful secrets and abilities unknown and unavailable to others).oracle: "a message from a god expressed by divine inspiration through a priest or priestess," in answer to a human inquiry, usually respecting some future event.prophet: "person who speaks for god; one who foretells, inspired preacher," "the function of a prophet; inspired utterance; the prediction of future events," test of a claim of special knowledge: what is it?.
conditions: 1. completeness: a. both parties must be honest b. both parties follow the rules2.
"...If a Cult Religion loses members to Reality it is not counted as a Loss but as proof that prophecy is right: in the last days many will fall away..."
Everything is proof we're right!
Even the stuff that contradicts the other stuff!!!
what creates an elite death spiral?claiming special privileges by virtue of having been selected among others french élite "selection, choice," "chosen person" define the term privilege.
“rights and priorities over and above others” advantage granted, special right or favor granted to a person or group, a right, immunity, benefit, or advantage enjoyed by a person or body of persons beyond the common advantages of other individuals"question: how are the privileges of the elite conferred and by what right are they exercised over others?special knowledge (insight into useful secrets and abilities unknown and unavailable to others).oracle: "a message from a god expressed by divine inspiration through a priest or priestess," in answer to a human inquiry, usually respecting some future event.prophet: "person who speaks for god; one who foretells, inspired preacher," "the function of a prophet; inspired utterance; the prediction of future events," test of a claim of special knowledge: what is it?.
conditions: 1. completeness: a. both parties must be honest b. both parties follow the rules2.
Didn't Ray Franz once quote someone at 70s-era Bethel as confiding that they were "followers following followers" or somesuch?
here's an interesting discussion of 2 elders who were arrested for the way they handled a woman who was repeatedly raped by her father for years.. https://youtu.be/if2o7lmnh5m.
Even though I totally understand why the WT leadership made the policy decision to keep it all in the family, I still occasionally catch myself thinking...
..."What the hairy blue fuck were they thinking???"
this question has been presented many times throughout the years.
somewhat recently, there has been much talk surrounding the "bite method" :.
"bite” stands for behavior, information, thought, and emotional control.. some examples were thrown at me, such as the decisions of who we associate with, discouraging any worldy media, encouraging our brothers and sisters to report any of our misbehaviours to the elders, our rejection of criticism on the truth, shunning etc.. what do we think about this?.
do you remember the time when every watchtower article seemed like a boasting session?
how great watchtower was.
they we're the only one with holy spirit.
At this point, the entire WTHQ is made of figurative glass.
If they're still dumb enough to chuck stones, that's on them.
i found this interesting topic on the current views among jws regarding the overlapping generation.. the posts are hilarious.
how do most jehovah's witnesses explain the overlapping generation?.
i've asked a couple of jws to explain the overlapping generation and they directed me to the website jw------org.. either they don't know, or they do know but don't want to discuss it because they know it's bogus and embarrassing.. either way, surely they must know that this just extended the last days another 80 years from the time fred franz died.
"Overlapping generations"...
...the most Watchtower thing the Watchtower has ever Watchtowered.
mchenry county, woodstock, il .
northwest herald, shaw local news.
breaking news - read below full article - (article was blocked unless the reader has a subscription.
Jeezus, are they still trying to use that?
You'd think the WTS's lawyers would have figured out it doesn't work, by now.
-belgium: the lawsuit of ex-jehovah's witnesses against the watchtower will continue before the ghent court of appeal on march 22, 2022. support them by your presence!
march 17, 2022..
i would like to collect as many instances of watchtower dishonesty and pretense as possible.
here is one from a bulgarian as an example of what i'm looking for.. are jehovah's witnesses disfellowshipped for receiving blood in a hospital?.
helge fauskanger writes: "if witnesses can’t convince the elders that they are utterly “repentant” for this vampiric lapse of theirs, they will be held to have disassociated themselves from the religion — even if they never said a word about wanting to leave it!
Once again, for the newbies, lurkers, and trolls...
...if you have to cheat to defend your beliefs, your beliefs don't deserve to be defended.