Trolling. 🤪
Posts by Vidiot
by peacefulpete ini think it's been a while since this was asked.
tell us your hobbies, interests, pastimes, whatever you find enjoyable as a diversion from work and school.
i am lucky enough to live in a small cabin on a lake, i enjoy rowing my old boat and fishing, i play with car projects, and we travel as much as we can.
How get out of watchtower?
by Hellothere inhow do you get out of watchtower?
am i supposed to write letter to bethel or local congregation telling them i don't want to be a jw anymore?
how are the steps.
If you happen to move, don’t tell ‘em or leave any kind of forwarding address.
Why isn't this forum growing like reddit exjw??
by nowwhat? inadmittedly it 90% crap over there but still they are up to 80k in subscribers.
over here it's the same half dozen or so that posts something, including myself.
why is that?.
Growth = God’s blessing!!!!
Sexual abuse and Jehovah's witnesses- the gift that keep on giving
by wannaexit inthere seems to be no end to the many jw's who sexually abused minors.
here is another story:.
What Thomas and Phizzy said.
A cornerstone of the WTS’s entire reason for existence is the fiction of “God’s Exclusive Earthly Organization”.
Undermine that too deeply, and that existence is threatened.
And nothing undermines it more than evidence - i.e. admission via their own internal correspondence - that sex crimes were repeatedly occurring and being swept under the rug, all the way up the Watchtower hierarchy, for decades…
…and that - most egregiously - the Org’s so-called “Biblical” policies for dealing with it were making the problem worse rather than better.
Worldwide headline from the Org!!!!!!!!!
by BoogerMan inunbelievable news: they've actually built a kingdom hall, and it was thanks to jehovah!!!!.
“from the logistics of getting the construction materials to the far north, to navigating how to solve unexpected supply problems, nothing could stand in jehovah’s way.
Bets on how long it’ll be before it’s listed for sale? 😏
News story claims: "Jehovah’s Witnesses" are QAnon believers"
by Balaamsass2 ini was googling the subject and came across this story.
i just had an incredible phone conversation with a long-time jw who has strong "q-anon" "sovereign citizen" beliefs.
the wife(first gen) says she is not surprised.
Data-Dog - “…You don’t have to believe in Satanic Lizard people to disapprove of those actions and stand up for freedom…”
…but it helps.
All hail the Neworldordereptilianuminati!!!
My prediction coming true
by Foolednomore inwhile back, not here on this net i don't remember.
i predicted that watchtower would allow you to buy your way into the kingdumb.
does anyone find this interesting?.
Seriously, though, I suspect they kinda have to.
Selling off the family silver - i.e. real estate assets - to stay in the black is not sustainable in the long run.
If - or more likely, when - the Org’s tax-exemption reaches the chopping block, they’ll need something else to shore up the revenue flow.
That’s the reason for the recent dialed-up-to-eleven multimedia initiatives, IMO.
My prediction coming true
by Foolednomore inwhile back, not here on this net i don't remember.
i predicted that watchtower would allow you to buy your way into the kingdumb.
does anyone find this interesting?.
@ Mum…
They’re pretty much already there.
Watchtower looses Norwegian Appeal
by Diogenesister inwatchtower has just lost its appeal in the norwegian courts over the withdrawal of the funding it receives from the government as an officially recognised religion.
the initial decision will now stand due to what the court termed 'exclusionary practices' which includes the witnesses barbaric practice of shunning minors, even by family members in their own homes.
the ministry of children and families have decided they are now no longer eligible for the state grant of 16 million norwegian kroner given to officially recognised religions.. the following is a statement has been issued, i have summarised if it isn't readable: .
@ Fisherman…
…you think governments should subsidize religious groups?
Watchtower looses Norwegian Appeal
by Diogenesister inwatchtower has just lost its appeal in the norwegian courts over the withdrawal of the funding it receives from the government as an officially recognised religion.
the initial decision will now stand due to what the court termed 'exclusionary practices' which includes the witnesses barbaric practice of shunning minors, even by family members in their own homes.
the ministry of children and families have decided they are now no longer eligible for the state grant of 16 million norwegian kroner given to officially recognised religions.. the following is a statement has been issued, i have summarised if it isn't readable: .
Ding - "Why would the Watchtower want money from worldly governments that are opposed to Jehovah's Kingdom anyway?"
I wouldn't change a single word of this sentence.