Bethel’s like a prison. I mean, it’s got a watchtower and everything.
any news how things are at bethel just now?
been thinking, strange they have gb members giving speeches when they look so depressed.
but maeby there is not many others too choose from.
Bethel’s like a prison. I mean, it’s got a watchtower and everything.
do jw's still believe that babylon the great is the empire of false religion?
inquiring minds want to know .
The OG cougar.
do jw's still believe that babylon the great is the empire of false religion?
inquiring minds want to know .
Babylon the Great is hot.
'legal concerns seem to be a factor behind the watchtower society reversing its position and allowing vaccinations from the 1950's.'.
"the matter of vaccination is one for the individual that has to face it to decide for himself... and our society cannot afford to be drawn into the affair legally or take the responsibility for the way the case turns out.
" watchtower 1952 dec 15 p.764.
Ten bucks says their “charity” status was on the chopping block if they didn’t budge.
last spring norweigian state refused to give public contribution to jws (religious organisations can apply that in norway and previously wtbs has been granted that).
the decision was caused because of practise of disfellowshpiping.. now there is a new twist.. 25.10.2022 authorites in norway send a letter to wtbs and told them that they have four weeks to fix that practise.
if they don't do that they will loose their status as a religiouse organisation.. intrestingly jws did not "understand" what authorites meant by that and requested more time.. how can they not understand?
They haven’t got much legitimate reason for complaint, either; all they’ll really lose is tax-exemption.
…their financial status is at risk without it.
so i grew up as a witness but i’m no longer active, i have some family that still practices very seriously.
but i don’t want to ask them my question.
but what does the bible and teaching’s of jw’s say about early hominids?
Once more, for the newbies, lurkers, and trolls…
…if you have to cheat to defend your beliefs, your beliefs don’t deserve to be defended.
do jw's still believe that babylon the great is the empire of false religion?
inquiring minds want to know .
Fred Franz’ old Cold-War-centric End Times narrative was too specific for its own good; there just wasn’t enough wiggle room for the finer details if current events didn’t play out according to the script.
The Org seems to be stuck with it, though, ‘cause there’s no one left at WTHQ with the creative and narrative chops to give it a proper 21st-Century overhaul.
At this point, all they can really do is soft-pitch the weirder or more implausible bits and hope it still sticks.
any news about how going back to kingdom halls and door to door ministry going right now?
are there many people at meetings and meetings before going out in service as congregation?.
Weird as fuck.
i recall reading here that a wife was raped at watchtower farms some years ago (can't find it here anymore) by a another bethelite wearing a red flannel shirt.
they found his shirt and booted him.. 'hundreds of new york women are about to sue alleged rapists (and enablers) under a revolutionary new law.
watch out, donald trump.. .
Beth Sarim- “…The Borg has stooped to the point of gathering wills and testaments, air miles, bonds and inheritances and what not…”
Almost has a vibe of desperation, doesn’t it?
Gosh, I wonder why? 😏
what are some of the red flags that should alert people to the fact that jehovah's witnesses are a high control and damaging religion?.
one that comes to mind is.
1. one cannot leave jehovah's witnesses with one's reputation intact.
Thanks to Heaven’s Gate, the Hare Krishnas, and 80s Satanic panic, the “cult” label’s become too overused, I think.
I prefer the term “authoritarian high-control group”.
More accurate, and way harder to refute, IMO.