The only consistency in the WT is its inconsistency.
Posts by Vidiot
Are the teachings of JW—consistent?
by Fisherman ini would belief so but if you can point something out, it can be discussed.. i don’t mean what jw taught in the past that they later realized was not correct and amended.
—unless you think and can show something like that is relevant.. i’ve spoken to a lot of believers from different religions.
i don’t want to bash any religion here under this topic but their beliefs are inconsistent and their reasons are sophistry and made up and grounded on circular reasoning.
What do Jehovah`s Witnesses beleive that can be linked to Pagan practices , anyone ?
by smiddy3 ina previous thread has inspired me to post this ,thanks guys .. { i`ve been out for so long i may have missed something }.
The WTS condemns anything with “pagan” origins if it specifically involves just a bit too much association with “worldly” people.
Anything else, I doubt they give a shit about.
Keep telling yourself that!
by Lost in the fog inin the latest copy of the elders textbook someone kindly made available to us on this website, i see that "independently organized meetings for spiritual feeding" are still not allowed.
no wonder because independent research would let the scales fall from the eyes.. the gb still insisting that they are guided by the (always lower case) holy spirit and the bible!!
not that the rank and file members need the bible or holy spirit themselves because they are fed through meetings, conventions, assemblies, jw broadcasting and the publications.
Heavier- and heavier-handed. 🤨
Jesus, just how fucking scared are they of their whole house of cards collapsing???
Deadpool 3
by Vidiot inso, it’s gonna be a marvel studios production.. i’m holding out for the following titles:.
”deadpool: agent of shield”.
”deadpool v spider-man: dawn of bromance”.
And now Owen Wilson seems to be joining the cast.
Simplest explanation of the plot (that doesn’t undercut the ending of Logan, as promised)…
…our favourite manure-mouthed mutants are “variants” apprehended by the TVA for their past time-travel shenanigans (Logan’s in Days of Future Past, and Wade’s during the end-credits scenes of Deadpool 3)…
…whom Agent Mobius then recruits for what becomes the ultimate “fish-out-of-water” multiverse-spanning “road trip” mission that their respective (but not very nice) skill sets are uniquely suited for dealing with…
…which may very well end up being an existential threat to the entire mainline MCU itself.
Call The Police and Press Charges.
by Lost in the fog init strikes me as a double standard - if someone in the congregation is known by the elders to be a child abuser they wouldn't call the police and "bring reproach on jehovah" as numerous reports have shown.. however, if someone disturbs a congregation meeting the elders are instructed by the org to call the police and tell the police that they want to press charges against the individual.. you couldn't make this stuff up!.
If CSA is regularly reported to the authorities, they investigate, and several things become unavoidable…
…a pattern of past abuse comes to light, a pattern of covering it up becomes apparent, the sheer scope of of the problem is exposed, and it all becomes a matter of Public Record, which makes it way harder to dismiss as “apostate lies”.
As a result, It becomes more and more difficult to avoid the conclusion that the Org has not dealt with the problem properly, and that their “Bible-based” policies are, in fact, making matters worse rather than better, and most seriously, that they know this and still won’t change.
And this cannot help but severely undermine the fiction of “God’s Exclusive Earthly Organization” (particularly in the eyes of the rank-and-file if the previously-mentioned Public Record becomes too big too ignore or explain away), which, from the leadership’s POV, simply cannot be allowed to happen.
Kevin McFree is posting again on YouTube
by Anna Marina inif you haven't noticed kevin mcfree is posting again.
re-uploading some of the stuff he had to take down.. also, here is an article by a brother telling the gb exactly what he thinks of how they treated kevin..
I also think they’re picking fights hand over fist ‘cause they still buy into the internal spin that because they’re God’s Chosen, they're destined to prevail.
Remember, folks, success in the courts has been touted as evidence of God’s backing almost as much as “growth”.
They can’t accept the possibility that they’ve been wrong all this time, so they keep doubling down.
Kevin McFree is posting again on YouTube
by Anna Marina inif you haven't noticed kevin mcfree is posting again.
re-uploading some of the stuff he had to take down.. also, here is an article by a brother telling the gb exactly what he thinks of how they treated kevin..
I think the WTS used to have a “worldly” law firm on retainer.
Whether they still do or not, I’m not sure.
Norway: Society hires a Law Firm
by Festus inmaybe society's own lawyers are so bad that they need to hire top notch lawyer's.. funny i thought jehoober would not need any help.. anyway here are the links.
jehovas vitner mistet statsstøtten – vil saksøke staten – vårt land (
What Tonus said about the legal precedent aspect; that’s arguably just as important.
Really, anything that even hints at threatening the Org is confronted with a disproportionate degree of tenacity.
You'd think they were scared or something.
Why do Jehovah's Witnesses attend so many meeting?
by RULES & REGULATIONS inronald curzan ( helper to the teaching committee ) gives a talk on the real reasons jehovah's witnesses should attend meetings.
it looks like the zoom meetings have softened up many witnesses.
many are probably turning off their cameras and zoning out.
All flawed ideologies require regular booster shots.
Norway: Society hires a Law Firm
by Festus inmaybe society's own lawyers are so bad that they need to hire top notch lawyer's.. funny i thought jehoober would not need any help.. anyway here are the links.
jehovas vitner mistet statsstøtten – vil saksøke staten – vårt land (
Van is right; it’s about the money.
The situation is slightly different with the WTS then other megachurches, though, I think…
…securing the Org’s revenue stream is more a means to an end, rather than the goal in and of itself.