The Tide rose a couple feet there.
2023 will be year from hell – martin armstrong.
co.. 'in the affidavit, one witness said swisher told them to not tell anyone about what he did.
The Tide rose a couple feet there.
breaking news!
every jehovah’s witness elder in the 67 counties of pennsylvania are being given notice by state attorney's office to turn over any & all documents relating to child sex abuse cases!
watch attached video beginning at time-stamp particular attention to what is said after 103:00.this is wild!.
Seriously, though…
…link, “Like”, and hashtag the shit out of this.
breaking news!
every jehovah’s witness elder in the 67 counties of pennsylvania are being given notice by state attorney's office to turn over any & all documents relating to child sex abuse cases!
watch attached video beginning at time-stamp particular attention to what is said after 103:00.this is wild!.
“Shred the fucking files! SHRED THE FUCKING FILES!!!!!”
assuming that you don't dismiss genesis outright as a collection of myths, i was musing about the actions of god as recorded in genesis 11:1-9 regarding the building of the tower of babel.. this origin story for the multiplicity of languages in the earth has god getting annoyed with humans for staying in one location instead of filling out across the whole world.. yahweh could have stopped the tower being built by collapsing it by means of an earthquake, sinking sand, or an extreme gale.
even using an angel to kick it over when everyone was tucked up in bed asleep.
but no, instead he muddles up the vocabulary and grammar and made brand new languages creating division and confusion.. what's more he didn't scatter them and send them off in mixed multicultural groups, but instead he lets them wander off in tribes and family groups.
You’d almost think God was either…
a) …unaware of the concept of “unintended consequences”…
b) …unable to actually predict the future, or…
c) …has some problems with impulse control.
Doesn’t seem particularly “godly”, but hey, WTF do I know?
not much but the zombies usually where better clothes.
zombies use more of thier brain.. those were the ones i could think anything else?.
It’s funny… in some zombie-themed movies, the dead are shown still staggering about, mindlessly repeating the habits they had when they were still alive.
…why have we never seen walking dead JWs shambling door to door with tattered Watchtower magazines in the various zombie-themed comedies out there?
do they have any kind of mental health arrangements at bethel?
i mean to help jws with mental problems.
like a psychiatric.
The crazy goes all the way to the top.
How can it not? That sort of thing’s inevitable when you’re convinced God whispers in your ear, and you’re surrounded solely by people who are never allowed to disagree with you.
i wonder how many jws will squirm watching the upcoming 3rd season of mandalorian in which out of compassion he was obliged to break certain rules of his religion and is now labeled an apostate.
Won’t it be ironic if Din ends up the legitimate ruler of Mandalore? 😏
i wonder how many jws will squirm watching the upcoming 3rd season of mandalorian in which out of compassion he was obliged to break certain rules of his religion and is now labeled an apostate.
ThomasMore - “… they throw the word around like a grenade…”
Fixed that for ya.
i thought i’d shear this with you good people.
the cognitive dissonance is just breath taking.
i over heard this comment at a relatives family dinner the other night.
There were a couple (kinda lame-ass, shallow) reasons for it initially, but at this point, it’s basically just a rule for rules’ sake.
here are some things i never really believed the jw taught...i just didn't really examine it closely.
i shelved it, so to speak, thinking no one is perfect and they know more than me...if i ever thought about it at all.. i never believed that only jws would be spared at armageddon.
i never believed the where in james, you went to the elders to confess being spiritually sick-always thought that referred to a real illness.
BluesBrother - “…they like to call themselves sheep…”
Ironic, really…
…considering a sheep’s ultimate fate is being sheared, butchered, and eaten.