Rules & Regs -
I like this one better:
luke 22:14 so when the hour came, he reclined at the table along with the apostles.
and he said to them: “i have greatly desired to eat this passover with you before i suffer; 16 for i tell you, i will not eat it again until it is fulfilled in the kingdom of god.” 17 and accepting a cup, he gave thanks and said: “take this and pass it from one to the other among yourselves, 18 for i tell you, from now on, i will not drink again from the product of the vine until the kingdom of god comes.”.
19 also, he took a loaf, gave thanks, broke it, and gave it to them, saying: “this means my body, which is to be given in your behalf.
Rules & Regs -
I like this one better:
branches of jehovah’s witnesses: 85 (= down one from 86 from the previous year and quite possibly they are referring to the hong kong bethel that closed down recently).
number of lands reporting: 239 ( =the same as 2022).
ThomasMore -“…Perhaps they are counting micro groups as congs now…”
“Please join me in asking our visiting speaker, Brother Jones, to express the love of the Smith Basement Congregation to the Jones Basement Congregation for us, as he returns home to them this afternoon.”
the kingdom hall is still empty.
even with amalgamation of 2 congregations.
the elders are handling the microphones and there was only one comment from zoom at the watchtower.
Ron.W. - “It always used to amaze me that they thought even long faded, totally disinterested ex jw's would somehow be gagging to attend their totally unscriptural annual memorial.”
It’s the same reason some relatives occasionally say, “you know it’s The Truth, right?”
Full-on True Believers, from the bottom to the top, really cannot grasp that the vast majority of XJWs are out, not because they’re weak, or wicked, or demonized…
…but simply because we’ve concluded that it’s not The Truth.
in b.c.
, canada, a victory for ex-jws.
Jeezus, I thought being a JW growing up in the 80s was embarrassing.
Nowadays, though?
a new ruling from a madrid court supports that the jehovah's witnesses can be called an "extremist and destructive sect".
mc | efenews10.01.2024 - 16:51h the former adept gabriel pedrero was denounced for publishing that "they have blood on their hands.
"the young man has also sued the organization for sexual abuse and is awaiting trial.
So, is the WT still tax-exempt in Spain?
the kingdom hall is still empty.
even with amalgamation of 2 congregations.
the elders are handling the microphones and there was only one comment from zoom at the watchtower.
Journeyman - “… I've certainly thought it's arrogant of the GB to assume the JW org would not also be tested and need purifying…”
On a related note, the Old Testament God had no qualms about bitch-slapping his “chosen people” of Israel when they got out of line and wouldn’t straighten up.
Hell, he used their “worldly” enemies to do it.
couple years ago as a promising ms i had some weird conversations with two young elders.
it was always as we where alone only i and the elder.
they would initiate a conversations about things like blood doctrine, celebrating birthdays, view on homosexuality etc.
The fornication stakeout guys imagine themselves as hardboiled detectives, and the judicial committee guys imagine themselves as hotshot prosecutors.
🎄 just thought this not former/vidiot back & forth deserved it's own christmas special !!!🎄.
vidiot6 days ago.
notformer - “…if he does attend a kingdom hall physically, i imagine there're some ‘security’ arrangements in place…”.
Remember, sports fans…
…if you go around picking fights you don’t have to and end up getting a black eye for your trouble…
…you’re not being “persecuted”.
You’re just being an asshole.
couple years ago as a promising ms i had some weird conversations with two young elders.
it was always as we where alone only i and the elder.
they would initiate a conversations about things like blood doctrine, celebrating birthdays, view on homosexuality etc.
Person - “…either they are incredibly stupid and think that this is great method to proof someone's loyalty to GB (running a risk to stumble serviceable MS) or they just want to destroy this whole circus..”
Either way…
i wonder how j.w's, and other believers in a creator god, will spin this latest discovery to fit their model ?.
They won’t give a shit.