Something just occurred to me..,
…the GB actually initiated JWLite in a somewhat strategic manner.
Think about it.
They could have simply stated that non-JWs (whatever their status) could theoretically believe/repent and get saved after seeing proof that the WTS had been right all along (which even has legitimate Biblical precedents, I might add; frankly, I was a little surprised they didn’t use ‘em)…
…but dropping the bomb like that would probably have angered and alienated way more loyalists who’d busted their humps their whole lives (and a handful, in fact, are pissed off, if the stories on Reddit are legit).
Instead, they peppered it through with plenty of we-just-don’t-knows, disparaged the idea of hoping non-JW relatives died before the GT started, and capped it off with a very specific warning to not resent those last-minute savees (“regardless of who or what they are” was implied)…
…which may have been deliberately (i.e. strategically) done that way as just a smidge of misdirection, to mitigate the doctrine change’s impact on the aforementioned hump-busting loyalists.
“Softening the blow”, as it were.