Anony Mous - "You cannot say you hate anyone in the EU for any reason without risking a fine."
Not even "I hate hate groups?"
jehovah's witnesses in belgium have to pay €12k fine for shunning policy.
you have probably heard of the trial going on in belgium about the shunning policy of jws.
Anony Mous - "You cannot say you hate anyone in the EU for any reason without risking a fine."
Not even "I hate hate groups?"
after you read the words of jesus in mark 2: 17, you will see that the contrast between the teachings of jesus and the governing body.. .
you clearly read what's written in the bible, but the society is always twisting and bending scriptures to their benefit.
here is stephen lett talking about ''spiritually weak'' members and twisting jesus's words teaching on sinners:.
mynameislame - "I find myself wondering if they don't realize that their end is in sight and all this craziness is an effort to wake up as many people as possible without causing mass suicides. It seems like a fairly humane way to do things... Make it so crazy people start waking up and any young person would want to get out as fast as possible. Take ownership of all the property so there won't be any fighting over it at the local level. Consolidate and sell off properties to raise cash for the lawsuits and try to keep enough money around to keep things running until all the hardcore, never leaving JWs die off... Or maybe they know it is BS and are just trying to live the rest of their lives in relative comfort while watching the whole thing fall apart."
You're partly right.
They'd never admit out loud that "the end is in sight" for the WTS (it's "God's Earthly Organization", after all), but I guarantee you that on a subconscious, reptile-brain level, they absolutely feel threatened and cornered.
Don't kid yourself, though... I also guarantee you that acting "humane" is not on their agenda. They are concerned with the Org's survival (which manages to be both disingenuous and ironic, IMO).
Sure, they're consolidating property assets to pay legal expenses, but selling off the family silver to stay in the black is not a long-term sustainable business plan.
As to the rest, a number of us have come to the admittedly weird (but, IMO inescapable) conclusion that they both know it's wrong, but believe it's true... at the same time. Make of that what you will.
And lastly, every authoritarian regime in history has opted to crash-and-burn rather than reform or admit defeat... and make no mistake, the WTS is very much an authoritarian regime.
after you read the words of jesus in mark 2: 17, you will see that the contrast between the teachings of jesus and the governing body.. .
you clearly read what's written in the bible, but the society is always twisting and bending scriptures to their benefit.
here is stephen lett talking about ''spiritually weak'' members and twisting jesus's words teaching on sinners:.
@ SlimboyFat, JW GoneBad, soloman, & Rattigan350...
Human beings are tribal.
We evolved that way to survive, because in prehistoric times, any given member's survival/reproductive chances were almost solely dependent on said member's status within said tribe.
And despite what some may think, we're not really all that far removed from our caveman ancestors (natural selection doesn't work that fast, after all).
Is it really any wonder, then, that a JW member will be preoccupied with his or her status within his or her tribe congregation?
i have a few jw relatives who are true believers.
by this i mean, they believe with all their heart that 1914 was the beginning of the last days, that this is the last generation, that we are in the very last of the last hour of this system of things, and that you should obey the governing body even if it does not make sense.
all of them are in their 60s and up into their 90s there is nothing you can say or show them to convince them or even cause a small doubt that the wt is not god organization.
Disillusioned JW - "I wish there was a way to find out who are the JWs with doubts and who are the disfellowshiped JWs (ones considering reinstatement), so that we could contact them and share with them what we have learned."
They can only do that themselves.
Take heart, though... sooner or later, they do.
How else do you think most of us ended up here, after all?
what is the most insensitive thing an overseer or elder has ever said and done to you?
i have had many insensitive things said to me by some elders, but for some reason one self-righteous elder was always on my case.
he didn't like the fact that i missed meetings, didn't like that i never went out in field service, that i didn't answer at the weekly meetings and he didn't like that i carried my books and magazines in my hands and not a service/book bag.
Jeezus, with all the stories I've heard, where do I start???
from the *permanent mission of poland to united nations office at geneva* on twitter: .
"📢 how is #freedom of #religion or #belief interrelated to security-related concerns - this was discussed🗣️by un sr ahmed shaheed, kishan manocha (osce odihr) and marc hansen (jehovah’s witnesses) in 💻 side event held by 🇵🇱#poland in the margins of 🇺🇳#hrc46.
Yeah, they're still running with Fred Franz' old Cold-War-era End Times script*...
...which, at this point, is so logistically improbable that it would take decades for geopolitical events to rearrange themselves in a way that could make it happen.
*The eschatology is too deeply imbedded in the ideology... not to mention that there's no one left with the creative chops to give it the necessary rewrite.
I'd give my left arm to see the GB members put to task on the witness stand, televised and on the public record.
from argentina.
google translation:
And the tide rises another inch.
do you support the death penalty or do you think the worst punishment should be incarceration?.
I've given the subject some thought...
...and I've come to suspect that the death penalty is less a punishment for the guilty, and more a symbolic act for the "benefit" of the public at large... part, because some crimes are so egregious that many people find it simply intolerable that the perpetrator of said crime be permitted to continue living.
belgium: jehovah's witnesses in court to respond to incitement to hatred.
february 16, 2021..
Appealing to a human rights court to defend their human rights to...
...deny current and former members their human rights...?