...word salad.
don't know how many of y'all still watch it.. this month's topic is "the king of the north" - cook goes into monotonous detail over the jw interpretation about rome, germany, ussr, russia, etc.. leaving aside for other commentators the emotionally manipulative videos of jws in russian holding cells, the tearjerker interviews, the god-awful stiffness of cook (i suspect he has never genuinely smiled, much less laughed, in his 60+ years), just thought i'd comment on one topic.. the centerpiece of the program is a "morning worship" monologue from splane.
let's again just leave to the side the dude's pomposity, smugness, and inflated sense of his own genius, and think about this part of his monologue.. he was tracing the history of the "king of the north" and talked about how "britain" (not england, not the united kingdom, not great britain, but "britain" - no idea why they have that fixation - anyway...) became the kotn in the 19th century.. paraphrasing his comments: "britain would not have become kotn if france had its way.
france was much wealthier and more powerful, but at the battle of waterloo, britain defeated france.
hopefully i’m doing this right and it will display for you.
this is an interview with michael yeadon, former vice president and chief science officer of pfizer.
of course he has been attacked, slandered, shunned, ect, and this will never be allowed on social media, but he has taken the time to appear in an unpaid interview.
so, in a couple weeks, the jws move on in their bible-reading slog to the book of deuteronomy.. take a gander at deuteronomy 23:12,13:.
a private place should be designated for use outside the camp, and there is where you should go.
13 a peg should be part of your equipment.
he’s really implementing the democrats agenda!
he’s wasting no time !.
Rocketman123 - "I think the Canadian style of federal government is better that the US for there appears to be more open debate and criticism from various parties toward the polices that the in power government are making."
A big difference is that we generally don't take a winner-take-all approach, and/or try to stymie the opposition's efforts even when they have sound ideas.
The zero-sum-scorched-earth-humiliate-and-utterly-destroy-the-competion approach to politics might be viscerally satisfying to some, but IMO, it gets in the way of the job of governance.
That's what many of us seem to forget.
A political position is - first and foremost - a fucking job.
he’s really implementing the democrats agenda!
he’s wasting no time !.
Disillusioned JW - "Many ex-JWs (including those on this site) are atheists and most atheists in the USA are politically and socially progressive/liberal..."
True, but the WTS is - by and large - an fundamentally conservative organization, and just because some JWs leave the WT, doesn't mean they leave conservatism per se. Not to mention that the conditioning to distrust "The World" can be somewhat difficult for some to grow past.
Like you, I'm still occasionally surprised to see XJWs lean that way, as I personally had enough of that sort of thing when I was still in...
...but everybody processes their WTexit differently.
https://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-9545969/amp/jehovahs-witnesses-criticised-failing-stop-devout-followers-plan-stab-wife-49-times.html .
elder should face some kind of criminal prosecution..
"...We mustn't bring reproach onto Jehovah organization..."
My elder Dad used to use this argument, but eventually, I realized that that what he personally meant was "we mustn't give our enemies any ammunition to use against us". I couldn't really blame him for feeling that way, considering how he'd been burned by "worldly" people he'd once trusted.
I'll never forget the look on his face when I suggested that that if and when the abuse was eventually exposed, the evidence of coverup couldn't help but bring far worse "reproach", whereas prompt cooperation and proactive reporting would actually garner the respect of public and secular authorities.
Most loyalists can't think that far ahead, though. It certainly hadn't occurred to him, but to his credit, he acknowledged the sense of what I said.
Of course, the real reason this policy has been in place for so long is that the WT leadership knows if the authorities are informed and they start digging, they'll find further evidence of more abuse...
...which, in turn, becomes exposed, and part of the public record...
...which, in turn, becomes harder and harder to dismiss in the eyes of the rank-and-file...
...which, in turn, too deeply undermines the Org's claims of "God's Exclusive Earthly Organization".
And from their POV, that simply cannot be permitted.
The Org's entire raison d'etre hangs on it.
some of my jw family that is waking up posed that question to my jw family that is still hanging on to jw belief.. the stepbrother that posed that question told me;.
"in all these years of being a jw, i actually never gave it much thought as to why jehovah had to kill millions of innocent animals that had nothing to do with mankind becoming evil.".
i keep picturing in my mind, all the baby puppies and kitties that were destroyed by jehovah.
i don't think anyone has mentioned that the february 2021 study wt (p. 15, 16; par.
8) changed wt's long standing view on headship within the congregation.
wt used to view all baptized males as being the head of all baptized sisters.. this view led to such absurdities as a sister having to wear a head covering on a bible study because her baptized 10 year old son was sitting in on the study with her.
iXav - "Whatever happened to 'do not go beyond what is written'?"
Personally, I think it started when they decided to take on the mantle of "God's Exclusive Earthly Organization" (mostly to justify their existence and legitimacy and keep from hemorrhaging members after being wrong so often).
Then they had to keep "going beyond" just to continue shoring up that fiction.
we are encouraged to all, if possible, get the vaccinations.
if you don’t, we are told that we definitely could get the virus.
fair enough.. but what happens if you decide you aren’t going to get the shots?
good to see you again!
much discussion now about the fallout that is coming due to impacts of the pandemic combined with the long-term downward spiral of jw.org.
i am active as a pimo and my wife is pimi....much of our personal conversation and conversation with others in jw land focuses on how things will play out for jw.org in the next 12-24 months.
Historically, actual tangible in-person meetings and door-to-door ministry have been critical in maintaining organizational cohesion and discipline...
...at least amongst average rank-and-filers.
Transitioning to an "e-church", however, can't help but undercut that somewhat for them...
...but I think the loyalists would still toe the line.
And since I suspect the Org leadership privately wants to prune the membership down to just the loyalists, this would theoretically serve that agenda.