I made my own mask.
Out of tinfoil.
Double protection, just in case.
But it's not as comfortable as the hat.
it seems that some people just aren’t ready to put those masks aside even if they are fully vaccinated!
some can’t help but think their brains aren’t ready for “normal”..
I made my own mask.
Out of tinfoil.
Double protection, just in case.
But it's not as comfortable as the hat.
i was talking to an ex-jw.
not been out as long as i have.. cut a long story short, i came to realise that i can no longer be bothered to debate jws if (on the rare occasion), i have encountered them.. i think that because i am somewhere circling a nihilistic atheist it seems pointless.
i just don't have the energy because i rarely even think about jw related garbage.
I skipped the whole debating stage of my WTexit.
I realized before I even tried that it wouldn't work, and just get me all kinds of drama I didn't want or need.
may 18, 2021. a deis hearing will be held may 26; public comments period ends june 21. by tina traster.
the town of ramapo will be accepting public comment on the proposed new world headquarters of jehovah’s witnesses audio/video production center now that the deis (draft environmental impact statement) is complete.
So the new audio/video media center is gonna be built in Orange County...
...which is immediately adjacent to Los Angeles...
...otherwise known as "Hollywood".
Ten bucks says that if they follow through on it, it gets sold to a mainstream movie or TV studio (for a profit) within a decade. You gotta admit, it's a step up from flipping Kingdom Halls.
gaslighting is a form of sustained manipulation that causes the victim to question or doubt their sanity, judgment and memories.
it’s a form of emotional abuse.
i think jehovah’s witnesses have been gaslit.
They do a pretty thorough job of convincing you that your own thinking ability is irrevocably flawed...
...or - at the very least - that if you don't come to the conclusion they want you to, you're a fucking idiot.
another youtube presenter falls foul of the wt society's legal team.
the watch tower copyright lawsuit targets creator of "dubtown" lego animations.
The Org doesn’t like any kind of media that doesn’t sing their praises, or worse, deconstructs their ideology.
i woke up early in life.
it’s not because i was smarter than my brothers and sisters.
in fact, reflecting back, i actually don’t know why i didn’t embrace the watchtower teachings?
pisolpete - "...they are reminding themselves, that in the New World there will be no more crooked Presidents, no more crooked Politicians, and no more corrupt leaders anywhere in the world..."
...whilst completely missing the fact that in the WTS's vaunted New World, the Org will become said crooked and corrupt politicians and leaders.
i posted this item a few weeks ago (link below) with a compilation of items that could happen as the organization unravels - even though many (including myself) may find it unlikely, improbable or simply too much of a change to believe.. https://www.jehovahs-witness.com/topic/5165806634663936/drastic-upcoming-changes-accelerated-pandemic.
as an active pimo though, i came up with the list in the above post simply from the standpoint that very significant changes have been occurring on an ongoing basis and sometimes i think even very active witnesses do not realize it.
a few major items that have been ongoing or were singular events listed below.
What y'all are seeing is a highly specialized organism trying to rapidly evolve (whilst retaining its core characteristics)...
...in order to survive in a drastically changing environment that it increasingly inimical to said survival.
Consider the fossil record for examples.
the new york post published how hunter biden was involved with many criminal activities.
they showed how big daddy biden was well aware of what was going on.
the post got called out for this “ non story “.
"Why is the press suddenly exposing the Biden family?"
'Cause if it bleeds, it leads.
Doesn't have to be any more complicated than that.
we are nearly 18 months into this pandemic and lot has been learned and our behaviour modified to make things safer for us, e.g.
the wearing of face masks and social distancing.. many countries such as australia, new zealand, the uk and usa either have things under control or have vaccinated a large portion of the population.
therefore, given the very passive nature of the 'cart witnessing', i can't see why this hasn't be re-started.
IMO, all this simply supports the theory the WT leadership has actually been wanting to eliminate the ministry work (as we knew it) almost altogether.
The risk of rank-and-filers having to face more and more child abuse accusations and encountering "apostates" who were articulate and knowledgeable was simply getting too high.
i'm just thinking of examples of jw doublethink.. here's one - jws will tell a bible study or unbaptised publisher that there is no hierarchy within the org.
they typically remark on christendom's hierarchy but then say 'we are all brothers'.
but as a person gets further into the cult, jws will constantly stress the need to obey the governing body.. jw hierarchy .
Doublethink goes all the way up to the top.
They know it's wrong...
...but believe it's true...
...at the same time.