"Meet the New Boss... same as the Old Boss..."
Posts by Vidiot
If all GB members died at once?
by Jofi_Wofo ini don't suppose anyone knows for sure, but do we have any kind of hint of what would happen if all of the governing body members died at the same time- such that nobody was left to appoint successors?
in lieu of any solid evidence, i'd also be interested in hearing some speculation based on what we already know about the organizational structure.. it would certainly throw a wrench in either the teaching that the faithful and discreet slave will survive into the great tribulation and/or the implied doctrine that the the gb succession arrangement is justifiable biblically.
let me firmly disclaim any implication that i am encouraging violence or wishing death on the governing body.
9 Year Old Used Basic Logic And Came To An "Apostate" Conclusion
by pistolpete inrelated experience;.
basically what happened is my mom was studying with my 9 year old sibling and they were talking about the paradise.
my sibling then proceeded to ask, in a clearly joking way, "what if jehovah was tricking us and we don't go to paradise?
I lie all the time.
In fact, I'm lying right now.
YHWH or is it HWHY ?
by zachias ini ask this as hebrew is read from right to left.. reasonable input is welcome..
"...I'm on a Yaaaahweh to hell... Yaaaahweh to hell..."
YHWH or is it HWHY ?
by zachias ini ask this as hebrew is read from right to left.. reasonable input is welcome..
"YaHWeH met a Cath'lic priest... riding on the HigHWaY...
...stuck a Bible up his ass and said no meat on Friday..."
YHWH or is it HWHY ?
by zachias ini ask this as hebrew is read from right to left.. reasonable input is welcome..
It's not "my way or the highway"... it's "YaHWeH or the HigHWaY"!!!.
How on earth can WT lawyers continue to believe WT has God’s backing, when they see all the deception play out in Court.
by pistolpete inhere is a post on reddit from mark and kimmy o’ donnell, from the crusaders documentary,.
ask us anything.. mr. o'donnell gives his assessment of why wt lawyers continue to defend the child sex abuse cases that the organization continues to fight, even though they see firsthand the deception, the lies, the withholding of facts and dirty tactics used in court.
by an organization that claims to be god's earthly representative, and the only one to hold the truth.
Doesn't the WTS keep a "worldy" law firm on retainer?
I seem to recall an anonymous quote from one of them to the effect that they "...like their WT clients... they pay their bills on time, and are always in trouble..."
Is the door to door preaching work not the primary focus anymore?
by pistolpete ina few months back, one of my uncles who was an elder, asked the co, why jehovah would allow the door to door preaching work, to come to an abrupt end.
this was when my uncle was starting to have serious doubts about the organization.. the co told him to be patient, and hang in there, because the governing body was on top of things and in time would explain what is happening regarding the preaching work.. my uncle asked; “what do you mean?”.
co said; “focus on the wt study articles in the coming months” .
There were quiet (albeit rare) rumblings that the Org wanted to dial back the D2D work for a while now, for a handful of reasons.
The way I see it, Covid just gave them a pretext.
Why is there a large cat in this picture?
by slimboyfat ini wonder if anyone can explain this.
ezekiel 34:25 says .
and i will make a covenant of peace with them, and i will rid the land of vicious wild beasts, so that they may dwell securely in the wilderness and sleep in the forests.. the land is said to be rid of vicious wild beasts, so why does the watchtower picture in the new pure worship book show a large predatory cat on the tree in this picture?
It's just Disney and Marvel taking their relationship to the next level...
..."Alice in Wakandaland".
Theocratic Warfare
by Iamallcool inmost of us know what theocratic warfare means but maybe very few people reading this forum might never heard of theocratic warfare.
can you give them some examples of theocratic warfare?
Once again, for the newbies, lurkers, and trolls...
...if you have to cheat to defend your beliefs, your beliefs don't deserve to be defended.