Can't believe Honeymoon Suite, Haywire, and Harem Scarem didn't make the list.
Posts by Vidiot
100+ Of The Great Canadian Rock Artists Of All Time!
by Atlantis ini find it refreshing to step away from all that tower crap from time to time!.
100+ of the greatest canadian rock artists of all time!.
it is no surprise to see the name "neil young" listed as number 1.. .
Back to the Meetings. It's Offical!
by pistolpete inyep, the vacation is over, it's time to go to work------for free!
Maybe some smartass at WTHQ tried to jump the gun on April Fools Day.
New year's predictions for watchtower.
by asp59 inwell don't know if this page has tread for new years predictions or with date it starts.
so might as well start now.
my new year's prediction for watchtower would be a big big sell out of kingdom hall's.
Beth Sarim - "Same old wrinkled carrot on a stick."
Let's be honest.
At this point, the carrot and the stick are pretty much indistinguishable.
So many are waking up. Pandemic gave jws time to think.
by pistolpete inthis is not about stats, but "actual experiences" happening world wide in the organization.
there is about 156 comments of what some jws are seeing in their congregation.
feel free to read and come to your own conclusion on whether the watchtower organization is turning pimo but no one says anything in order to keep family relations.
Now I'm picturing an elder giving a public talk in his tightie-whities.
A little something you have not yet heard.
by lastmanstanding ini hope to make a very interesting post here, and informative.
iām quite sure no one here has heard this content.
i would like to finally make known some heretofore undisclosed details concerning something that has affected probably everyone on this board to some degree.
lastmanstanding - "...I hope their lawyers walked right in there and laid it down."
IMO, the really interesting question is...
...why is said tax-exemption (not having to "pay back Caesar's things to Caesar", I might add ) so important to "God's Exclusive Earthly Organization"... important, in fact, that if push comes to shove, they'll show their throat to "Satan's World" (whilst hoping the rank-and-file don't notice)?
Occam's razor? The Org has allowed its "business model" to become dependent on said exemption...
...or to put it more succinctly, the Org's survival has become dependent on it.
Watchtower says you can be Disfellowshiped for being Fat!
by Witness 007 inwatchtower 1974 p.167 "by disobediently over indulging in food and making a glutton of himself he shows no love for the presents of others does he ignore their needs and selfishly take more then his fair share?
is he grossly overweight gorging himself?
does he feel uncomfortable even getting sick...this person has no place in the congregation of god...they will not inherit gods kingdom.".
Clearly, the GB quietly nixed that little rule.
Why do you call yourselves "apostates?"
by Marbles inwell let me clarify the question.
i know you call yourselves apostates because the bible defines people who leave their previously held beliefs as apostates.
my question means, if the bible is not true (and i don't think it is) then there is no such thing as an apostate.i have never been a jw, only a bible student with them.
Marbles - "Why do you call yourselves 'apostates'?"
We don't.
The Watchtower calls us that.
Peak Cancel Culture
by Simon inwe seemed to have reached peak cancel-culture.
now, we get to try to cancel the citizens of an entire country for something their government chose to do.. really, we can't allow russian individuals to compete in sports?
to live a life?.
Cancel me, baby! Cancel me!!!
Aaaah, that's some sweet cancellation...
Pat Robertson makes one last ''doomsday prediction''
by RULES & REGULATIONS inpat roberston,92, comes out of his million dollar mansion ( which his loyal followers paid for ) to continue his doomsday prediction.
pat needs to make one last appearance to show his followers he was right all along.
after all his failed predictions on his ''700 club,'' pat needs to show his followers that this ''doomsday prediction'' is a bible prophecy.
Jeezus, he looks like Darth Sidious.
HTF is this guy even still alive???
Are They Letting the Organization Go?
by pistolpete ininteresting idea by;.
fabian strategy warrior.
to many of you, this idea might seem absurd, but is it?.
pistolpete - "Are they letting the Organization go?"
A lot of folks let themselves go.
'Specially if they've never had to work a day in their life and thusly figure they got a free ride.