"Always do what you're told, no matter how fucking bonkers it sounds!"
Posts by Vidiot
Directions that don't make sense to us
by Longlivetherenegades inat times those appointed to take the lead may give direction that does not make sense to us.
however, jehovah blesses obedience.
.......watchtower november 2021 study article 47 paragraph 11. for example:for example: so the king(david) said to joab go take a census of israel (2 samuel 24: 1.....) .
Jehovah’s witnesses and compulsory voting in Australia.
by Longlivetherenegades inwhat do jehovah’s witnesses do during election period in australia?
i learnt voting is compulsory in australia and those who choose not to vote are fined.
do jehovah’s witnesses pay such fines?.
shepherdless - "...compulsory voting means every politician has to try to appeal to a portion of the middle ground because under compulsory voting, a tactic of appealing to nut jobs and winding them up with fear/outrage etc, will never work."
...makes a lot of sense, actually, 'cause despite how loud and obnoxious they are, they're almost always a minority.
Never gonna happen in the US, of course...
...wouldn't make for good reality TV.
New JW.Watch Website - Plans, Ideas & Submissions
by Simon ini want to create a new site to help people leaving the wts.. the idea is that it will be curated content of articles and videos on specific subjects such as how to fade, how to handle family, personal experiences of leaving, mistakes to avoid, plus practical life matters impacted by the wts such as how to create or rebuild a career, planning for retirement, getting counselling, making friends etc.... the idea is that it should be lots of voices to share the love and promote lots of people's channels so it becomes a more effective resource (hopefully there will always be something informative and appealing to the people visiting).. if you have a youtube channel that you would like featured, or maybe have some specific video or series that would suit, i'd be happy to include them.. likewise, if you have a subject you'd like to write about and can share some practical knowledge and guidance on, or have a life-story you'd like to share because your experience could benefit others, please let me know.. i bought a domain and setup some placeholder content:.
please message me or post here if you have any questions or ideas..
Simon, you seem...
Cheerful, even.
You okay?
What is the harm or downside of being PIMO?
by PimoElder inwhat is the harm or downside of being pimo?.
i get all the good things about being in the cong, good social life lots of invites to bbqs and meals out.
lots of interesting gossip 🤣🤣🤣🤣.
I would think that one of the downsides is the feeling of ants crawling under your skin from constantly hearing misquotes, semantic pretzel-twisting, and stuff that's just plain wrong presented as irrefutable truth from the platform over and over and over and over and over and over... -
Can you list the positive points of being a JW as against the negative points of being a JW in your experience ?
by smiddy3 ini was a twenty y/old when i converted to the jw religion and was a problem drinker and i was a chain smoker .when i was baptized at a circuit assembly a year later , my conversion and change in lifestyle was given as an example of the effectiveness of incidental witnessing to the audience.. so i can point to the 2 positives becoming a jw .. 1.i gave up smoking.
2.i gave up drinking for a while ,but because i still had association with my wife`s and my family who were not jw`s ,i learnt to control my social drinking when i started again.. and i have been a responsible drinker ever since ,even though i left the religion 29 years ago.. the negative points of being a jw in my 32 years of being one ?
are far too great to list here .. love to hear your thoughts..
Even a busted clock is right twice a day.
Elders hounding members to quit their jobs due to missing too many meetings
by RULES & REGULATIONS inhow many times did you see elders hounding congregation members to quit their jobs due to missing meetings?.
my brother worked at a grocery store at 16 years old.
he would miss tuesday's ministry school due to his work schedule.
Re. Hoser’s post…
… personally, I think it’s even more basic than that.
An education helps you realize that the WTS is, quite simply, wrong.
Mark Noumair latest video on persecution on jw.org
by raymond frantz inhttps://youtu.be/tbbxaasj6ki.
Going around jabbing people in the eye with a stick and then whining when you get a beatdown for it doesn’t make you “persecuted”…
…it just makes you an asshole.
Resistace to going back to meetings
by truthseeker inlot going on.
i had a covid divorce last year over zoom.
not pretty but i got a good deal.. anyway,.
I took my elderly mom last weekend…
… there was a really big turnout.
Jehovah's Witnesses: remembering the weird and wacky!
by Vanderhoven7 indo you remember some of the weird and wacky stuff emanating from the watchtower society?
let's make a list from memory that we can use to inject a little humor into our discussions with jehovah's witnesses.
- venus may be an enormous jurassic park.. - germs don't cause disease.. - no beards allowed.
Flood geology… Dinosaurs and humans were contemporaries… Basic fundagelical stuff.
Jehovah living in the Pleiades star system was one of the more original ones.
Saber-toothed tigers used their oversized fangs to crack coconuts (that one was specifically Fred Franz’s).
Fancy dress parties banned...anyone else?
by Witness 007 inwe had 2 fancy dress parties in our congregation...before the ban.
it was the best fun we ever had together.
problem was some came as pirates with swords!
I remember a couple back in my younger days.
One was “jungle”-themed… I went as Indiana Jones. The other was just to dress “tacky”. I wore a silly necktie.
A couple goofball guys cross-dressed for the second, and it got the more uptight older folks in a twist, but they turned out to be the life of the party.