And the Watchtower’s weirdness wanders on…
Posts by Vidiot
Could this be a JW media venture?
by neat blue dog ini'm wondering if this is another step in wt branching out into attempting to profit through media production.
last year they already registered their hollywood style company "jw studios" as an llc, unlike their other corporations which are non-profit.. ( more information on that here: ).
now, i see this video of a wt spokesman.
WATCHTOWER's RTO (Remote translation offices) like this one are million dollar luxury locations
by Terry inmore than 60 percent of our full-time translation teams work, not at branch offices, but at remote translation offices (rto).
why is this arrangement beneficial?
what equipment do translators need in order to work effectively at an rto?
Terry - “I'd really like to know if GB each has his own getaway location...”
Well, they Org has money squirrelled away in accounts in the Caymans.
One could start looking there.
AVOID ! : upcoming cult apologists conference
by yalbmert99 infyi:.
the 16-18 of june 2022 in quebec city, laval university, canada, there will be a conference organized by cult apologists cesnur (european) and info-cult/info-sectes (canadian).
some famous cult apologists (massimo introvigne) will be there and some jw mid range leader from ontario david docksteader too.
yalbmert99 - “…the WT is desperate and does anything to improve its bad reputation all around the world.”
In truth, I highly doubt they give a shit about their “reputation” at this point.
It’s all about shoring up their tenuous authority in the eyes of the rank-and-file.
PIMO Bethel Elder Has Special Message & Speaks out
by Newly Enlightened ina pimo elder at bethel has come forward with a special message posted on reddit..
the dated pictures attached are "proof conclusive" that this is for real.
no outside guests are allowed inside bethel at this time.
"They are also already in the process of training potential new, younger Governing Body members. There is much speculation around Bethel as to when/if these new men will be announced as new Governing Body members, but time will tell."
They will, at the very least...
...know that it's wrong...
...whilst believing it's true... the same time.
PIMO Bethel Elder Has Special Message & Speaks out
by Newly Enlightened ina pimo elder at bethel has come forward with a special message posted on reddit..
the dated pictures attached are "proof conclusive" that this is for real.
no outside guests are allowed inside bethel at this time.
Rules & Regs - "Why is he using the word 'God' instead of 'Jehovah'?"
The more PIMO I was, the less inclined I was to use the word "Jehovah", back in the day.
Rules & Regs - "Why isn't he using 'we' instead of 'you'?"
Very few PIMOs actually think of themselves as part of the "we", anymore.
PIMO Bethel Elder Has Special Message & Speaks out
by Newly Enlightened ina pimo elder at bethel has come forward with a special message posted on reddit..
the dated pictures attached are "proof conclusive" that this is for real.
no outside guests are allowed inside bethel at this time.
I think the guy meant to convey that the pics - specifically, their dates - were to demonstrate that he really was in Bethel during lockdown (as he said, no one was allowed to come and go), therefore he really is a Bethel "insider".
I could be wrong.
As for using common XJW expressions, I was doing that (in private) long before I faded or came here... in fact, I was a little surprised that so many of 'em were already being used.
Hell, from what I've read, the "rank-and-file" label originated AT Bethel.
As to the allegations, I absolutely believe 'em... most are just further anecdotal evidence of stuff we've already known about for years...
...and if the GB isn't "paranoid" by now, they're even bigger idiots than some of us thought.
AVOID ! : upcoming cult apologists conference
by yalbmert99 infyi:.
the 16-18 of june 2022 in quebec city, laval university, canada, there will be a conference organized by cult apologists cesnur (european) and info-cult/info-sectes (canadian).
some famous cult apologists (massimo introvigne) will be there and some jw mid range leader from ontario david docksteader too.
Anyone remember what I said about the WTS increasingly doing everything it can to survive...
...(because "God's Exclusive Earthly Organization" simply cannot be permitted to not survive; otherwise it wouldn't be "God's Exclusive Earthly Organization", would it?)...
...and that real problems could and would arise when said survival measures - ultimately - can't help but undermine that very organizational claim?
I would count soliciting assistance from a group known specifically for its association with explicitly harmful (not to mention "false") religions as one such measure.
Just how anxious/desperate is the WT leadership starting to feel?
Is there ANY possibility at all that the WatchTower and the Governing Body has the TRUTH? (You're about to find out)
by Terry inin my opinion, having been a jehovah's witness for twenty years as well as being an ex-jw for forty-three years,is that the following talk as given by peter gregerson, emphatically removes any shadow of a doubt aboutwhether the claim for the faithful slave has any merit whatsoever.
note: (references to the publication the finished mystery are given.
you can read the entire book here:
I remember when my brain started deconstructing WT ideology and theology (whether I wanted it to or not).
It ain't much of a stretch to go from "they had it once but lost it" to "they probably never had it".
The JW's greatest dogma...
by BoogerMan in....that god almighty/jesus personally selected j.f.
rutherford & wtbts inc. as a front for worldwide christianity, is an affront to worldwide christians.. the adage, “extraordinary claims require extraordinary evidence” was made for such spurious assertions.. as with jw's who claim, "jehovah answered my prayer for......," both claims rely on total credulity, and zero evidence of divine intervention.
Phizzy - "... Rutherford and Co disgustingly supported the First World War, Rutherford urging the purchase of War Bonds, no way were they neutral Conscientious Objectors... that totally discredited dogma is what the Org relies upon..."
Sometimes I suspect that the claim of exclusive divine favor was Rutherford and Co. doubling-down when they were faced with compelling arguments to the contrary...
..."Not only are we a legitimate religion, we're the only legitimate religion!!!"
The JW's greatest dogma...
by BoogerMan in....that god almighty/jesus personally selected j.f.
rutherford & wtbts inc. as a front for worldwide christianity, is an affront to worldwide christians.. the adage, “extraordinary claims require extraordinary evidence” was made for such spurious assertions.. as with jw's who claim, "jehovah answered my prayer for......," both claims rely on total credulity, and zero evidence of divine intervention.
Boogerman - "The JW's greatest dogma... that God Almighty/Jesus personally selected J.F. Rutherford & WTBTS Inc..."
Almost, but not quite.
The WT's "greatest dogma" is that they are God's Exclusive Earthly Organization. The claim of being chosen by God and Jesus was made in service to that claim.
Really, every decision they make...
...every decision... done so with the goal of shoring up that fiction.