@ hoser…
Only a dumbass would kiss ass, and not expect it to bite his ass.
Norway kicks ass, by the way 🤟
@ hoser…
Only a dumbass would kiss ass, and not expect it to bite his ass.
Norway kicks ass, by the way 🤟
the following article appeared on baptist standard's online edition in january 18, 2024. other christian denominations are starting to pay attention to the legal cases against the watchtower and write about it.
like the watchtower did in yester years with catholic csa cases.. oslo district court in norway is home to an ongoing trial after norway deregistered the jehovah’s witnesses last year.
It’s funny.
That Concept they’re captive to has, arguably, been the Org’s greatest strength…
…until it wasn’t any longer.
At some point, they crossed a threshold, and allowed the Concept to dictate the majority of their actions over common sense…
…with the Concept’s implied invincibility and destiny leading them to make increasingly short-sighted strategic blunders.
Those strategic blunders, in turn, created long-term problems that they’re virtually helpless to address in any significant way without, essentially, undermining the very Concept they’ve been struggling to maintain.
i wonder how many witnesses are aware that the wt and their team of lawyers are currently suing the government of norway for millions of dollars?
i thought that the wt taught that all the governments were run by satan.
when i was a witness, this would have really bothered me.
Sea Breeze - “…As a side note, one report says that WT was forced to reveal it's legal expenses for the law suit - $450,000.00…”
Half a mil’s worth of misquotes, semantic pretzel-twisting, and borderline perjury…
…to essentially pick a fight and demand their opponents let them keep rolling on the taxpayers’ dime.
Taxpayers who, I might add, are descended from fucking Vikings.
Oh yeah, this is totally gonna go the WT’s way.
the following article appeared on baptist standard's online edition in january 18, 2024. other christian denominations are starting to pay attention to the legal cases against the watchtower and write about it.
like the watchtower did in yester years with catholic csa cases.. oslo district court in norway is home to an ongoing trial after norway deregistered the jehovah’s witnesses last year.
raymond frantz - “They will do anything for these precious million cronas, Mamon is their real god.”
I don’t think it’s greed for its own sake, per se…
…a good con artist always has more than one grift in reserve in case the primary one goes sideways.
I think it’s more desperation ‘cause the money’s drying up, and they don’t really have any other grift.
often flicking through watchtower bound volumes i would see pictures of eden which shows the snake in the tree of knowledge with legs??
even the photo drama of creation shows a snake with legs.. watchtower 1964 p.352 "genisis 3;14 {snake}on your belly you will go and dust you shall eat...before god curse it the snake had legs, that elivated it above the ground...god transformed it's body so that it ceased to have legs and was able to move on it's belly.".
god's eternal purpose 1974 "god did not put a curse on the whole serpent family...it had only been victimized by satan.. forrest gump watchtower science is price-less!.
A fabulous Quetzalcoatl. 😁
are any or all of the gb from jewish descent?.
why are they so fascinated with following ancient jewish 'principles' ?.
isa 43:10, 44:8 ' you are my witnesses ' which they based their religious identity on, jehovah's witnesses, yet those verses address the jews, not christians, which they profess to be.. jesus said in ac 1:8 'you will be witnesses of me ', .
They’re not overly preoccupied with Judaism or Jewishness (is that a word?) per se… rather, a flavor of Christianity that places more emphasis on the Old Testament (among other things) than most…
…particularly its portrayals of a punitive, authoritarian God, as opposed to the tolerant, forgiving God of the New Testament.
NOTE: Technically, the punitive authoritarian God and the tolerant forgiving God can arguably be found in both Testaments if you look for them.
EDIT: Also, everything PioneerShmioneer said.
often flicking through watchtower bound volumes i would see pictures of eden which shows the snake in the tree of knowledge with legs??
even the photo drama of creation shows a snake with legs.. watchtower 1964 p.352 "genisis 3;14 {snake}on your belly you will go and dust you shall eat...before god curse it the snake had legs, that elivated it above the ground...god transformed it's body so that it ceased to have legs and was able to move on it's belly.".
god's eternal purpose 1974 "god did not put a curse on the whole serpent family...it had only been victimized by satan.. forrest gump watchtower science is price-less!.
Rattigan350 - “Doesn't everyone know that it was a serpent and serpents have legs?”
One of these guys:
often flicking through watchtower bound volumes i would see pictures of eden which shows the snake in the tree of knowledge with legs??
even the photo drama of creation shows a snake with legs.. watchtower 1964 p.352 "genisis 3;14 {snake}on your belly you will go and dust you shall eat...before god curse it the snake had legs, that elivated it above the ground...god transformed it's body so that it ceased to have legs and was able to move on it's belly.".
god's eternal purpose 1974 "god did not put a curse on the whole serpent family...it had only been victimized by satan.. forrest gump watchtower science is price-less!.
i wonder how many witnesses are aware that the wt and their team of lawyers are currently suing the government of norway for millions of dollars?
i thought that the wt taught that all the governments were run by satan.
when i was a witness, this would have really bothered me.
The part that strikes me the most is that after all these years of basically telling the rank-and-file that anything XJWs say doesn’t count…
…the testimonies of XJWs are taken completely seriously by secular authorities and dovetail perfectly with relevant material that the Org themselves have made.
the faithful evil slave's money-grabbing hypocrisy is beyond laughable!.
w75 12/15 p. 743 - "the religious systems of christendom have constructed magnificent buildings throughout the earth.
they have also amassed great wealth in other forms.
Not to mention all the finger-pointing about child abuse.