redsetter2 - “…Reportedly, many disfellowshippings take place because elders lack real discernment…”
…and/or their zealotry is dialed up to eleven.
Reminds me of another bit I read recently…
…that the GB wasn’t giving nearly as many explicit marching orders (re. enforcing the rules) as we may have thought. More often than not, they simply trusted elders to not be assholes.
It does dovetail with another recent (and surprising) allegation…
…that up till around 2015, the GB themselves weren’t fully aware just how bad the Watchtower’s CSA problem really was, and only truly learned the full scope when the Org was required by law to organize and collate their relevant records.
I find this plausible, as the Service Dept. under Jaracz was in charge of dealing with that (Jesus Fucking Kreist, that still gobsmacks me 😣), and would therefore have had the means, motive, and opportunity to make it as difficult as possible for anyone else to wade through the maze of paperwork.