If you go around jabbing folks with a stick until someone gives you a black eye, you’re not being “persecuted”…
… you’re just being an asshole.
i had a jw quote this scripture to me recently: “study to show yourself approved” - great scripture.
but when we point out that former wt leaders didn’t study and were high school drop outs (ct russell only made it to the 7th grade) franz was a college drop out with only 2 hrs.
in koine greek, we always get the same answer - the apostles weren’t educated men either.
this was leaked only few days ago and it's a small segment of the video from the 2024 convention that has already started.
the video shows a jw logo down while worried jws are watching it as a news item on their tv screens, others are seen hiding from the police, others driving is the countryside to escape the authorities.
...or can you?.
(we'll see...).
yuh gotta start somewhere, right?.
big bang theory is not a theory of the creation of the universe, but rather a model of the history and evolution of the universe from its earliest moments.
it wasn't really until the time of st. augustine that the idea of "out of nothing" entered the discussion.. a reading of genesis doesn't force the "out of nothing" into it at all.. in fact, a kind of chaotic "something" was put into form - or - something out of "something", the way adam is formed from red mud and eve from the rib.
this is a mini report on usa that includes an update on ramapo as it was delivered during the british bethel inauguration few days ago....
blood transfusion history.
1665 the first recorded successful blood transfusion occurs in england: physician richard lower keeps dogs alive by transfusion of blood from other dogs.. 1818 james blundell performs the first successful blood transfusion of human blood to treat postpartum hemorrhage.. 1840 the first whole blood transfusion to treat hemophilia is successfully completed.. 1900 karl landsteiner discovers the first three human blood groups, a, b and o.. 1902 landsteiner’s colleagues, alfred decastello and adriano sturli, add a fourth blood type, ab.. 1907 blood typing and cross matching between donors and patients is attempted to improve the safety of transfusions.
the universality of the o blood group is identified.. 1914 adolf hustin discovers that sodium citrate can anticoagulate blood for transfusion, allowing it to be stored and later transfused safely to patients on the battlefield.. 1932 the first blood bank is established at leningrad hospital.. 1939-1940 the rh blood group is discovered and recognized as the cause behind most transfusion reactions.. 1940 the us government establishes a nationwide blood collection program.. so from the beginning of the watchtower being printed in 1879, they were ok with blood transfusions until 1945. what caused this?
there is an item this week all about yang ones leaving school.. the two brothers go to a career advisor seminar.
one brother thinks it’s good to work hard full time while you are young and tries to encourage his friend to as well.. his friend (who is the good jw trust the gb no matter what they say)) he wants a part time job.. the video shows him dreaming about investing his money on his phone and the chart goes up, he drives a nice car and seems to be doing well financially.. then he reads the scripture in proverbs and next you see that investment chart go down in the red and he is so pleased he just got a low paid part time job.. this infuriates me.
how many of us are now struggling because we were told to get menial part time jobs and we were told the end would have been here by now.. i will never tell a young person to listen to the gb advice on this.
just as there is no such thing as a christian who worships satan, there is no such thing as a christian outside of the new covenant “for the forgiveness of sins”.
and he took the cup, and gave thanks, and gave it to them, saying, drink ye all of it, for this is my blood of the new testament, which is shed for many for the remission of sins.
- mt.
just as there is no such thing as a christian who worships satan, there is no such thing as a christian outside of the new covenant “for the forgiveness of sins”.
and he took the cup, and gave thanks, and gave it to them, saying, drink ye all of it, for this is my blood of the new testament, which is shed for many for the remission of sins.
- mt.
jehovah's witness church spends 3 years fighting scrutiny of royal commission of inquiry.
from article by anusha bradley, rnz.... .