“I’m with the Branch Jehovians”.
Posts by Vidiot
"A Jehovah's Witness"
by NotFormer ina very certain distinctive of jws is how they refer to themselves.
"one of jehovah's witnesses".
it's one of those coded jargon thingies.
"A Jehovah's Witness"
by NotFormer ina very certain distinctive of jws is how they refer to themselves.
"one of jehovah's witnesses".
it's one of those coded jargon thingies.
“One of Jehovah’s Witnesses” and “a Jehovah’s Witness” are both considered acceptable, but the first is technically more correct from a grammatical POV… my mom was a teacher, so she preferred that one.
Deadpool 3
by Vidiot inso, it’s gonna be a marvel studios production.. i’m holding out for the following titles:.
”deadpool: agent of shield”.
”deadpool v spider-man: dawn of bromance”.
The “Sacred Timeline”… i.e. Earth-616 (or 19999, depending on who you ask) is only seen once and barely mentioned after.
Almost all the action takes place in the TVA, the Void, and Earth-10005 (a.k.a. the XCU), which Wade and Logan’s actions basically save from extinction…
…essentially confirming it’s continued existence in parallel to the MCU.
The new prevailing theory on the Net (based on the events in this movie and things Kevin Feige has said) is that a significant multiversal incursion between the MCU and the XCU is what Avengers: Secret Wars will be focused around.
Oh, wait…
…were you asking if the D&W movie’s success is saving Marvel Studios?
If so, then yes.
Yes, it has.
LHG - “…what I get from this guy is that they want to keep whatever members they have online…”
Hmm, okay.
It would jive with what Barb Anderson’s said a couple times.
If the WTS’s lawyers have advised them that the rising CSA tide is gonna lose them their charity status sooner rather than later in more and more countries, they’ll have also advised ‘em that they won’t wanna be caught holding the bag on all that KH real estate everywhere.
I used to think that the WT leadership (notice I rarely even bother crediting the GB with that distinction, anymore) wanted the PIMOs to all bugger off…
…but COVID’s Zoom-in-tune-out-and-fade and the recent convention numbers suggest there were/are way more than anyone thought.
For a church that used growth and attendance as their benchmark for success/divine approval, it had to have been alarming, and I would’ve thought it’d make them wanna pump the brakes on that kind of reform (remember, reactive, not proactive)…
…but rather, what if that was enough to convince them to stay the course, instead? That going almost exclusively online was, in fact, the only way to stay solvent in the face of decline, rather than backpedaling?
Maybe even to the point where they’re already so committed to that course of action that they can’t actually back out, now.
Deadpool 3
by Vidiot inso, it’s gonna be a marvel studios production.. i’m holding out for the following titles:.
”deadpool: agent of shield”.
”deadpool v spider-man: dawn of bromance”.
Went to see it with one of my (grown-up) daughters last night.
One of the funniest - and surprisingly satisfying - things I’ve seen so far this year.
And it’s absolutely a love-letter to all the old Fox-Marvel movies (and more 😉).
Five well-earned stars.
I saw that, and they do make a pretty compelling argument.
Can’t say as I’m a hundred percent sold on it, though…
…plenty of things the WT leadership have said and done lately suggest they’re anxious to keep the membership, rather than prune it down.
Will Governing Body follow through with New Zealand Royal Commission's recommendation to publicly apologize?
by was a new boy in'following on from an apology from the prime minister, the commission recommends all faith-based leaders offer a public apology, including the pope, the archbishop of canterbury, the president elect of the methodist church, the moderator of the presbyterian church in new zealand and the head of each individual presbyterian support organisation, the general of the salvation army, the overseeing shepherd of gloriavale, and the governing body of jehovah’s witnesses.'.
Sea Breeze - “…This level of delusion can't be fixed.”
Sums it up pretty well.
Uncle Tony might be privately reassessing since he was shown the door, but that’s probably about it.
Will Governing Body follow through with New Zealand Royal Commission's recommendation to publicly apologize?
by was a new boy in'following on from an apology from the prime minister, the commission recommends all faith-based leaders offer a public apology, including the pope, the archbishop of canterbury, the president elect of the methodist church, the moderator of the presbyterian church in new zealand and the head of each individual presbyterian support organisation, the general of the salvation army, the overseeing shepherd of gloriavale, and the governing body of jehovah’s witnesses.'.
I can’t recall them ever even saying that.
GB making their exit before the GT??
by stephenlettclownface indid i misinterpret something or read something wrong?.
did the gb say recently that they are to be dead or pulled out of earthly existence before the great tribulation?.
if so, can someone point me to jw literature or a thread on this topic?.
A couple weeks back, someone here joked that before too long, the Memorial service would just consist of watching a live feed of the GB exclusively partaking.
It wasn’t meant seriously, but the way things’ve been going, it doesn’t sound all that weird.
Article-Brazil: JW's ease punishment for pedophiles in manual
by AndersonsInfo inhttps://www.metropoles.com/brasil/testemunhas-de-jeova-punicao-pedofilos.
note: you can easily have google translate this excellent article from portuguese into english.
it's a very long article to read and i'm only posting a small part of it in english.
One thing you can always count on…
…tell the Org they’re wrong about something really big…
…and they’ll double down on it like a lifelong gambling addict in a Vegas casino.