Take any number the Org puts out with a massive grain of salt.
Posts by Vidiot
Annual Report
by St George of England inthe latest report is now available for download on our favourite website!.
Rethinking WT Charity Status in Canada.
by Vanderhoven7 inrethinking wt charity status in canada.. .
https://avoidjw.org/news/canada-rethinking-charity-status-project-straight-arrow/ .
Contrary to popular belief, religion does not necessarily get a blanket free pass to act with impunity in the developed world.
Is the Watchtower Ultimately a Creation of Fallen Angels?
by Sea Breeze ina watchtower in ceremonial magical tradition is a tutelary spirit of one of the four cardinal points or quarters (east, south, west and north).
in many magical traditions, they are understood to be enochian angels... originating with the enochian tradition of john dee, a version of it was popularized by the hermetic order of the golden dawn, which became hugely influential in modern western esotericism, including wicca.
the watchtowers are invoked during the ritual of casting a magic circle.. .
Well shit, I kinda wanna go back, now… 😏
Artificial intelligence answer to: What is the true religion?
by RULES & REGULATIONS inwhat is the true religion?.
''the question of what constitutes the "true" religion is deeply personal and subjective.
different people and cultures have various beliefs and practices that they hold dear.
Actually, very few churches insist that they alone have a claim to exclusivity.
It’s really just the fundies, and they’re simply loud.
Rethinking WT Charity Status in Canada.
by Vanderhoven7 inrethinking wt charity status in canada.. .
https://avoidjw.org/news/canada-rethinking-charity-status-project-straight-arrow/ .
Athanasius- “If the JWs became a mainline church would the membership increase or decease?”
Mainstreaming would effectively neuter virtually everything they held up as hard proof they alone were “God’s Exclusive Earthly Organization”…
…their entire raison d’etre for the past century.
There’d be zero incentive for all but the most institutionalized to stay.
Rethinking WT Charity Status in Canada.
by Vanderhoven7 inrethinking wt charity status in canada.. .
https://avoidjw.org/news/canada-rethinking-charity-status-project-straight-arrow/ .
They always visualized “Satan’s World” attacking them with militant, heavy-handed force.
Seems the possibility of being sued, taxed, and legislated to their knees never occurred to them.
What Theme Song Should Be Played When You Walk Into a Room?
by Sea Breeze inthis could fun.
what song should be played when you walk into a room that best describes you?
“🎶 George, George, George of the jungle… 🎶”
They are running out of people to do their stuff.
by liam inthis is the watchtower study article being studied today.
so it’s the current new light!.
what are the new qualifications to be an “elder-aka older man...and circuit overseer?.
We’re seeing the Borg trying to project the appearance of reinventing itself.
Not quite the same thing.
They are running out of people to do their stuff.
by liam inthis is the watchtower study article being studied today.
so it’s the current new light!.
what are the new qualifications to be an “elder-aka older man...and circuit overseer?.
Beth - “…the Borg never saw the internet age coming…”
The Borg never saw the 21st Century coming.
They’re struggling to adapt to an environment they never even imagined would exist, let alone have to survive in.
What's Wrong with the Watchtower?
by Vanderhoven7 innot sure who wrote this list a while back but i think it is worth a repeat....to be added to or subtracted from or modified...whatever.. what's wrong with the watchtower.
"overlapping generations" - this teaching makes no sense.
the word used by jesus is in the singular, not plural form.. .
What’s wrong with the Watchtower?
I’m no expert, but the “nightmare” stage of the “Wishful Thinking” phenomenon comes to mind.