This is the Watchtower Study Article being studied Today. So it’s the Current New Light!
This is from the Oct 2024 WT Study Article 41
They are continuing to entice the Young Men to Pioneer, (instead of going to a University) become Elders, and Circuit overseers. What are the NEW Qualifications to be an “Elder-aka older man...and Circuit Overseer?
Qualifications Needed………………...You need to be at least 20 years old!
12 When Nortey was 16 years old, he began to study the Bible. Soon, though, his family opposed him. What helped him to remain firm? His Bible teacher had used Matthew chapter 10 to explain that true Christians will be persecuted. “So when the persecution started,” Nortey says, “I was convinced that I had found the truth.” His teacher also helped him to reason on Matthew 10:16 so that he could be both cautious and respectful when discussing religious matters at home.
After his baptism, Nortey wanted to pioneer, but his father expected him to go to university.
Rather than tell Nortey what to do, his teacher drew him out with questions and helped him to reason on Scriptural principles. The result? Nortey decided to enter full-time service.
Notice that the Watchtower does not tell young ones what to do. they just reason on scriptural principles. No court can ever blame the WT for forcing the young ones to pioneer. It was their religious choice.
13 While on earth, Jesus perfectly cared for the work his Father had given him to do. (John 17:4) But Jesus did not have the attitude, ‘If you want something done right, you must do it yourself.’ During his three-and-a-half-year ministry, he trained others to do the work. Before returning to heaven,
Jesus entrusted his disciples—some of whom may have been in their 20’s—with the responsibility of caring for Jehovah’s precious sheep and taking the lead in the preaching and teaching work.
15 How can elders imitate Jesus? They must train and assist men, including those who may be relatively young, to qualify for greater responsibilities.
16 Consider how a brother named Patrick benefited from counsel. As a young person, he tended to speak harshly and to act unkindly, even toward sisters. A mature elder noticed Patrick’s weaknesses and gave him kind but straightforward counsel. “I am glad he did,” says Patrick. “I used to get discouraged when I saw other brothers receiving privileges of service that I wanted. But the elder’s counsel helped me to see the need to focus on humbly serving my brothers and sisters instead of on receiving some position or privilege in the congregation.”
As a result, Patrick was appointed as an elder when he was in his early 20’s.—Prov. 27:9.
Foot note; In some cases, qualified men in their mid-to-late 20’s may be appointed as circuit overseers. However, such men must first gain experience serving as elders.
Whoo! You can be an elder and a Circuit Overseer in your early 20s!
And you can even have a beard and a mustache to make you look older!
Example of what today's Elder/ Circuit overseer will look like.