Thank you for your responses...@ mrsJones5 the organization has no bearing on the legal aspects,however I see him carrying on with his privledges as a Rnk &File... Technically Im still "in". So I have every right to share this bit of info with these clowns.
I wish they didnt want their father in their lives,but they do. All I can do is be both parents for them. They are both well behaved children...Excellent grades ,and participate succesfully in sports.Im not sure ,why any sain parent would act as if their children were dead??
And I definitely keep a tight record of all are communications. He was warned ,that if his lack of communication persisted I would be granted Soul and Legal custody. I have total faith in the legal system. Its been really empowering for me. Him and his faith are a joke to the courts. Its actually really embarrasing,as he represents himself.(and he claims jehovah is on his side)
@DianaNetherton,thank you. I will definately PM you