JoinedPosts by Dumplin
The Teacher
by compound complex inan unwelcome dawn comes creeping upward, her tendrils straddling the dark mountain so terribly near my once sweet but now quaking refuge called home of the heart.. i peer through panes that give onto a landscape of horror that, to some, appears pristine but to me is a reminder that he has been swallowed up by a wood both black and cruel.. daring to venture forth, i hear his voice .
.. he calls out, so faintly, begging i rescue him from a jail that holds him fast against all escape; though myself a liberated man, i cannot free the one i taught the truth.
let'r rip tater chip -
Let’s Speculate!!!
by John Aquila inyou know the organization is slowly going down.
not as fast as we would wish, but nevertheless it is crumbling.
five (5) year old child baptisms, smaller magazines, child sexual abuse exposed, smaller annual growth, no one wants to reach out, young ones leaving.
To be honest, I'm starting to dislike this thread. Just the idea of JWs still being here in 2050 is stressing me out. Now i have to go re-watch RC hearings just to get the bad taste out of my mouth.
(oh, this is off-topic, & I don't know if everyone knows this or not - but we have a resident prophet here on this forum. It's true... maybe we should just go ask him about this. I watched in amazement his predictions come true right before my very eyes not long ago):
Billy, where are u???
"The governing body has asked me to..."
by OverlappingGeneralizations ini have heard that phrase several times on the jw broadcast, uttered by gb members!
"the governing body has asked me to bring to your attention (whatever)".
aren't you the governing body?
them british over thar shore talk funny. what the hell is "puffery"?? In Georgia USA we call it bullshit.
That man ain't got the decency to die -
A small update on the ongoing investigation by the Royal Commission
by umbertoecho ini think you people would like to know that since the public hearing has finished.
there has been ongoing contact made to me by the staff at the rc.
they have been inundated with calls and the same experiences or similar ones are being related.. the staff are not backwards in coming forwards with insights that they have shared.
I could give you a big hug right now.
I've been hoping for a post like this. you just made my day.
The RC sees WT for what it is now... a pathetic excuse of a Christian religion. WT must know this is how others are viewing them now, hence the sudden surge in "shepherding calls" if that's what you want to call them. They wouldn't know how to undue the damage they have done if their lives depended on it. Geoffrey Jackson wants the RC to see to it that a law is passed forcing them to do the right thing. But finally people have someone they can actually trust.
Sounds like this thing is starting to snowball now...just what i wanted to hear!
Thanks for posting and please keep us updated on what you hear further.
Getting the Urge!
by Theburstbubble inevening folks, so as some of you may know we have recently decided to leave the witnesses and can see it for the man made organisation it is.
so, why do i get the urge to go back and feel guilty for not being there!
it's like my mind is telling me to be logical about it all but then something keeps pulling me back.. don't get me wrong i really want to break free from it all and i'm resisting the urge to go back as i have been miserable in the truth for a long time as i've known it's not right and want to do the best by my daughter.
yes i agree with all the above comments about WT indoctrination. It's chilling how people can have blind obedience to a man-made money-making organization which doesn’t care about individuals -- very scary.
You have an amazing brain, with the ability to decide for yourself what is right and wrong.
The “kool-aid” has already been distributed.
We've been drinking false teachings for years with dire results for many - some of the deadly ones being mentioned about. Every member in the congregation being unaware of active sexual predators is another.But you are aware of this now. It is up to you to find a path that you can follow.
Getting the Urge!
by Theburstbubble inevening folks, so as some of you may know we have recently decided to leave the witnesses and can see it for the man made organisation it is.
so, why do i get the urge to go back and feel guilty for not being there!
it's like my mind is telling me to be logical about it all but then something keeps pulling me back.. don't get me wrong i really want to break free from it all and i'm resisting the urge to go back as i have been miserable in the truth for a long time as i've known it's not right and want to do the best by my daughter.
If you count up those who died during the vaccination ban, died during the organ transplant ban, during the blood ban. Then those of Malawi, and the Nazi camps. Then the suicides, because of shunning.
It’s way more than Jim Jones and the People’s Temple. More than People’s Temple, Heaven’s Gate, Branch Davidians (Waco) combined.
I think there will come a point where it will be recognized as one of the deadliest cults.I personally don't want any part of sharing in her sins.
Getting the Urge!
by Theburstbubble inevening folks, so as some of you may know we have recently decided to leave the witnesses and can see it for the man made organisation it is.
so, why do i get the urge to go back and feel guilty for not being there!
it's like my mind is telling me to be logical about it all but then something keeps pulling me back.. don't get me wrong i really want to break free from it all and i'm resisting the urge to go back as i have been miserable in the truth for a long time as i've known it's not right and want to do the best by my daughter.
Think of the pain and misery these people have inflicted on others and you'll make the right decision. -
Getting the Urge!
by Theburstbubble inevening folks, so as some of you may know we have recently decided to leave the witnesses and can see it for the man made organisation it is.
so, why do i get the urge to go back and feel guilty for not being there!
it's like my mind is telling me to be logical about it all but then something keeps pulling me back.. don't get me wrong i really want to break free from it all and i'm resisting the urge to go back as i have been miserable in the truth for a long time as i've known it's not right and want to do the best by my daughter.
come on... you don't want to be a pedophile apologist ALL your life, do you? Get out of her, my people! -
Commentary on Geoffrey Jackson's RC testimony
by Listener inone of my favourite youtubers, winston from jamaca (watchtower examination) has provided some feedback from jacko's testimony at the victorian royal commission.
he examines only part of the testimony and brings up some interesting points.. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=v-xzivv0q8s.
2010 WT: "A few anointed members of the "Israel of God" still remain, and as Jesus brothers, they continue to act as ambassadors "substituting" for Christ - 2cor 5:20. They have been appointed as a faithful and discreet slave class to care for and provide spiritual food for anointed ones and a growing crowd of Christians."
WT Jan 15,2010, p31, par14They see themselves as deserving the Complete Trust of all of jws.
2009 WT: "Since Jehovah God and Jesus Christ completely trust the faithful and discreet slave, should we not do the same?"
WT Feb15, 2009, p24, par3No other group of Christians is so pious and self-righteous to say that God trusts them COMPLETELY! It is an incredibly conceited statement.
But the big lie in Jackson's testimony said: "We view ourselves as trying to fulfill that role."
Jackson was fully aware of what has been published for several decades. He is on the Writing Committee.