good point RWC!
Another thought. Why when the ground shakes do scientist call it "earthquakes"? Why aren't they called "landquakes"?
achristian believes those who think the bible teaches that the flood was global look foolish.
he wrote, .
i encourage all christians to investigate the possibility that the bible does not really teach that the whole earth was flooded at the time of noah.
good point RWC!
Another thought. Why when the ground shakes do scientist call it "earthquakes"? Why aren't they called "landquakes"?
if you could start a religion what would it be?
how would you go about setting it up?
what agenda would you have?
Queenie- thanks for warning me! Bakersfield huh!?! I'm right below you here in Victorville. If I get a religion going you can run the Bakersfield chapter.
Frenchy-this was a very serious question! But my religion allows humor, even smutt!
avengers-John Lennon did have a religion: Yoko Ono
D8TA-you are making it sound as if my new religion would be all work and stress, you know what?? Your right!!
ISP-we would all make money, even you!
Pandora-church services would be held on SATURDAY NIGHT, so we could all sleep in with a hangover.
refiners fire-the Raelians? I never heard of them. Have you got their web page? We could have nude day. Did you know that God is nude?
yup intro-at least none of the members will have bad breath!
Flip-what you suggest has already been's called "FreeMinds".
TR-and you would be able to buy your motorcycle at the lowest price and tax free to boot!
SS-It would be totally legal. Completely! It would expose the greed of other religions because in my religion EVERYBODY benefits. Even Devil worshipers.
So friends... If you want to get back at the Society, the sweetest revenge would be is to start a religion that would be the ideal religion. That's why I asked for your input. If we can start an organization to tear down and destroy the Society we can also start an org that will help each other!
if you could start a religion what would it be?
how would you go about setting it up?
what agenda would you have?
I never thought of that Simon. Everybody naked! Damn!! Instead of being "Holy Rollers" we would be "Boomers and Bammers"!
achristian believes those who think the bible teaches that the flood was global look foolish.
he wrote, .
i encourage all christians to investigate the possibility that the bible does not really teach that the whole earth was flooded at the time of noah.
It was Faithful2Jah that said he didn't want to be a part of this discussion, not me. I enjoy discussions on the Bible. I remember that J.H. and COJ had a really good debate on this "local flood" issue. COJ is a christian and a very good scholar and made some good arguments. As you know, so much is lost in the translation, there is really no way to know what was meant. It would apprear that the writer meant the whole earth, but don't you think that something could have been lost in the translation? Anyways, I never understood why Noah had to send a dove to check things out. Where was God? Why didn't He tell Noah where dry land was?
achristian believes those who think the bible teaches that the flood was global look foolish.
he wrote, .
i encourage all christians to investigate the possibility that the bible does not really teach that the whole earth was flooded at the time of noah.
I remember a debate about this was on H20 about a year ago involving J.H.,C.O.J. and Alan F. Alan F is the one who said that the flood was 7 million square miles. It would have covered the Black Sea and all the surrounding areas.
if you could start a religion what would it be?
how would you go about setting it up?
what agenda would you have?
If you could start a religion what would it be? How would you go about setting it up? What agenda would you have? A name? Do you have
a name for your religion?
If I were to start a religion it would be a religous co-op were every member has all the benefits that is allowed religions.(Tax exemptions
etc...) A member could buy or lease a new vehichle through the religion and not pay tax. There would be networking and charity. The service would include a meal and liquor with everyone particapating,
also live music and comedy. My agenda? No agenda except that everyone show others respect. No fist fights and no murders. Everyone would be welcome including Witches, Warlocks, Monks, Muslims, Buddhist,Christians, Atheist, Agnostics, and Aliens. The name? I liked Amazings "Christian Agnostics" but someone suggested "Christian Humanist". Get the picture? This could be the religion to end all other religions! Have you got something better?
achristian believes those who think the bible teaches that the flood was global look foolish.
he wrote, .
i encourage all christians to investigate the possibility that the bible does not really teach that the whole earth was flooded at the time of noah.
7 million sq. miles is a large area. Even if Noah wasn't in the center he could have still been too far away from land for a dove to rest. Maybe by the time the dove came back with an olive branch the ark had floated closer to the boundry. In fact that makes more sense because no olive tree could have survived the flood.
it would have taken more much more time to tell it all.
he told us the meeting would began as soon as the other brothers arrived.
danni: i will give you two.
Only apostates can give apostates a bad name. I wasted my time making copies of this post and e-mailing it to my friends only to find out its a crock! What the hell is wrong with people?
holy smokes: did moses and king solomon smoke pot?.
working in the publishing business has its perks, and one of those is getting to see new releases of books that sometimes never land in the bookstores.
today, i happened to be reading through some product literature that i had put off for some time and discovered a book that was published a few months ago about the usage of drugs in the bible.
A while back I smoked some excellent weed at my brothers. It tasted like the "thi stick" of the seventies but was extremly smooth and had a great mellowing effect. No insane rushes going up my back! Here in Calif I found I could get a pound of this weed for $1,000. That's a little over $60 an ounce. Is that a good price? I haven't had weed in twenty years so I am not up on cost. What does primo weed cost in your part of the world?
i reeceived an email today that said:.
we visited my parents in fl last weekend, and though they're still .
technically witnesses, they consider themselves double agents.
I have worked in construction with bethelites in the past and they were all worthless. They stood around and talked and joked and took breaks every half hour. I don't mean to dis any of you on this board that were at Bethel(maybe you worked your asses off) but I feel that the Society maybe just getting rid of dead weight.