Topics Started by KJV
The Talmud: Origin of the Watchtower??
by KJV inwhen i first got on h20 a couple of years ago, someone made the comment that jehovah's witnesses was "judaism with a little christianity and a dash of freemasonary".
i think that is very good observation, and since then i have been studying judaism to get a little insight on the origins of the watchtower.
i am not talking about the jews as a "race", i am talking about the jewish religion.
Why only 16 States??
by KJV indateline mentioned that only 16 states make it mandatory for religous leaders to turn in pedophiles to the authorities.
this is disgusting to think that there are 34 states that allow churches to harbor child molestors.
our goverment is just as bad as the watchtower!
We can't get real.
by KJV inwe can't!
there are issues we all have in our lives and i know that belonging to a cult has fucked us up more than we realize.
but we attack each other, call each other names, hate each other, and yet there is not a one of us who would not come to my resuce if i needed your help!!
If you were to start a religion....
by KJV inif you could start a religion what would it be?
how would you go about setting it up?
what agenda would you have?
Who's Who?
by KJV ini am new here and have been away from ex-dub world for about eight months.
many of you here were posters on h20 and have come on this board with a different moniker.
i was "milky" on h20.
JW Mass Suicide
by KJV inwhat do you call a mass suicide of jehovah's witnesses?.
a "publisher's clearing house".
Did Jesus Sin?
by KJV inhave you ever wondered why god dealt with man up until the first century c.e.
and then for the last 2,000 years we haven't heard from him?
could it be that god is upset with mankind for killing his son?
Carbon dating isn't reliable?
by KJV ini was talking to a relative the other night who told me that pbs had a program on tv some weeks back, and they interviewed many reputable scientist who said that carbon dating doesn't work.
has anybody heard about this?