Topics Started by KJV
to kat7302
by Incense_and_Peppermints inhi there,im currently having the best godamn sex of my life,im afraid to admit that i am seriously perverse and into just about everything you can be!
problem is, im running out of new things to try!.
your thread was locked want to push that envelope, you know?
no disfellowship for inactive?
by jaccilynn inmy mother was having a moment while she went to visit a friend a few weeks ago, worrying about me being disfellowshiped and having our relationship change.
the sister told my mom, that i could not be disfellowshiped because i am not an active memeber of the congregation.
supposedly, her daughter was a full time pioneer, stopped attending meetings, and realized that she is a lesbian.
The Talmud: Origin of the Watchtower??
by KJV inwhen i first got on h20 a couple of years ago, someone made the comment that jehovah's witnesses was "judaism with a little christianity and a dash of freemasonary".
i think that is very good observation, and since then i have been studying judaism to get a little insight on the origins of the watchtower.
i am not talking about the jews as a "race", i am talking about the jewish religion.
JW becoming normal religion
by Realist inam i wrong or is there a trend to make the wt to a normal religion?
first they gave up to predict who the new king of the north is.
then they stopped predicting the end of the world.
Elder School and trained to believe about c.1980
by thewiz ini have only suspicions about this, and an elder at the hall over 2 -1/2 years ago tipped me off to this and kind of semi-verified my long held suspicions.
i never did get to elder school or even ms school because i never kissed enough ass, so i can't emphatically prove it myself.. he basically inferred or implied that nearly all the wtb&ts late 20th century problems had something to do with the "great" apostacy (witch hunt) of c.1980.. i have also talked to my brother-in-law about this matter a couple of times and he seems to be of the same bend or thinking.
it's kind of like the borginazational culture that everyone "believes" or it's "known" that the troubles were rooted out when ray franz and friends were booted.. .
Circuit Overseer online. Welcome to my pages
by Carlo inhi brothers and sisters.
i am a jw circuit overseer.
you are welcome to visit my pages.. http://www.angelfire.dom/ky/proclaimer.
Thanks to Everyone!
by Amazing inright now my body is half shaven with needle marks and bruises everywhere.
if i were stopped on the streets of chicago looking like this, staggering with fatigue, i would be arrested.
something we men have a hard time getting through our thick heads is that just because we feel basically okay, does not mean that we can or should do a lot physically after a traumatic event ... and i found this out by doing a little too much walking at the hospital chest tightened, became out of breath, and got dizzy.
Some forgotten statements....
by refiners fire injehovahs witness prophetic failure is not simply a matter of failed dates.. there are a whole lot of other aspects to the prophetic expectation.. just with regards to "1975", two aspects immediately spring to mind.. the decline of world religion and the ensuing attack upon religion by the united nations.. both of these "prerequisites" to the 1975 armaggedon have now slipped into distant memory, and are now forgotten.
they are hardly mentioned any more in watchtowers.just to remind doubters what was said.... .
wt august 1, 1971:.
Why only 16 States??
by KJV indateline mentioned that only 16 states make it mandatory for religous leaders to turn in pedophiles to the authorities.
this is disgusting to think that there are 34 states that allow churches to harbor child molestors.
our goverment is just as bad as the watchtower!