WTWizard - Nobody that I know of have ever purposefully committed a crime to impress other JWs.
No Room for George - Maybe McDonalds is a little harsh. No doubt though for a time there career options will be limited.
Currently the JW that got released a year ago. Everybody in the hall loves him. I do not trust him. I do not believe he is sincere. I think he is waiting for an opportunity for something and he will take it. He has led lots of sisters on. I might just be judging though. I hate it how everybody acts like these ex inmates and just fine examples to model your life after. It kinda makes you feel like the prodigal sons brother were you have been doin whats right in the kingdom hall and outside of the hall. I also hated how people praised the brother my age for pioneering when he was 17. I was like I cant pioneer my parents cant afford for me to quit high school and let me waster gas all day. Its just so unrealistic the examples that people set. Nobody lives in the real world at the kingdom hall