I haven't attended the kingdom hall in over 3 months now. It really is a great feeling. No dreading the thursday night or feeling like your weekend is wasted because of sunday morning. I really haven't got alot of opposition of why I have been missing meetings.
My father left me a message guilt tripping me into going to kingdom hall and trying to use a family member of mines illness and blowing it out of proportion. I didn't budge I just told my parents I refuse to discuss Jehovah with them because they refuse to listen to my point of view.
My wife invited her sister to come over and spend the night at our house. SIL is a teenager. I found out she was stuck with some of her other family that are some real derelicts and low lifes. I told my SIL i'd come get her if she needed. So I picked her up and some of her family was smoking marijuana, and been known to use meth, etc. So me and my SIL went to my friends house (who are normal) and chilled with them swam in there pool. When this all took place my wife was at work. So it was just me and SIL. My wife knew about this and had zero problem with it. I felt like i saved the day because she didnt have to hang around the addicts. Anyway, I was talking to my father and told him what happened and he could not believe I would put myself in a position with a young girl(18). I'm thinking to myself that i'm not a pervert and people don't just break out and have sex like two unmarried people would out in service.
Lastly, since I have missed all those meetings Jehovah has really blessed me. I got a much better job. High paying with full benefits, health insurance, 401k but dubs dont need 401k as armageddon is coming.