Thanks for Your comments.
My love for Jehovah is greater than anything. The one thing that I struggle the most about is how I think about certain things. I did not grow up a Jehovah's Witness. I grew up as a Catholic. When I didn't like that I became Protestant and I gave me some fulfilment. But every time I went to church it was the same thing and I still wasn't satisfied.
Then I met Jehovah witnesses. They open up for Bible for me to better understand and to take away all the doctrines they're not biblical. (I used my own Bible) So after I was baptized and that's another story, I disassociated myself from the organization. After about two years, I started studying the Bible again and came to realize that whatever fault that they may have. It's the truth.
Homosexuality is a whole another issue. Reading Romans 1:27, you cannot come to a conclusion that God is against homosexuality. Going as far back as verse 18 and reading it in context. The key passage here is 25 and 26. It was the fact that they were idol worship and of created things.
So I'm not here in the discussion forums to argue about doctrine or who is right or wrong, what I am looking for is people that are in the “Truth” (and maybe struggling) and that believe what I believe or close to it. I know about the exgayjw movement and find it bitterness to no end. I’m not judging but again have a unique prospective on things. Maybe I love Jehoavh’s organization more than I think or have respect to it to a certain degree.
I believe the governing body has good intentions, however they are also human and are not perfect. So are other Jehovah witnesses they too are not perfect. Other religions Catholics, Protestants, Presbyterians, and assemblies of God are all phrophecied incorrectly. they are also not peferct either.
I hope I explained myself better. If you would want to chat, feel free to PM me.