JoinedPosts by curiousconfused
Should Employers be WARNED about Jehovahs Witnesses
by BlindersOff1 inany gov agency or private company that has private personal info of customers/clients should be aware.
its common knowledge to long time witnesses that jws will violate customer privacy laws and rules when they see something a customer does or buys that they think jw congregation elders should know about .
thats right they will spy for the elders.. .
Anyone here from Dorset No.1?
More "Elders" Doubt They Are Appointed By The "Holy Spirit"!
by Bubblegum Apotheosis inthe study edition of the watchtower says the elders are appointed by jehovah's holy spirit.
it's confounding the society does not realize that more and more elders, do not accept this claim.
i have racked my brain, wondering how many brothers and sisters actually believe this, fall hook and sinker.
As some have already said - the Society is slightly at sea about this one... the premise is now:
1. Scriptual qualifications were recorded in the Bible by means of HS
2. The elders pray for HS in making the decision
3. When the prospective elder displays Frutage of the Spirit, then it can be said that HS is working on him;
All different than the HS somehow selecting or approving the man... I used to really believe that this was true. Until I got appointed....
When Do JW's Start Distributing Memorial Invitations?
by InterestedOne ini saw the threads about the memorial invitations and was wondering when the jw's actually start distributing them to houses.
i want to email my jw friend a question about the invitation, but i want to do it during the timeframe in which they are passing them out.
are they already distributing them at this time?.
17th March in the UK...... It is a really dossy sort of ministry......
by koolaid-man ini am posting this information taken from christain witnesses .com...... if what he is saying comes to fruition it would be interesting.. .
some major january 28, 2012 notes from .
johnny the betheliteafter coming on late, johnny still did not have a magazine that had not been put on
Is this satire? Like The Onion or something??? Seriously??????
Buying Silver is Worldly
by manthedan inmy wife (no longer a jw) was at her mother's and sister house (who are jw's) and my wife told them that we have been investing in a little silver.
her sister then attacked her and said that it was "soooo worldly" that we have been buying silver and that you dont see jehovah witnesses going out buying!
this freak b**** who claims to be a faithful jehovah witness got a tattoo recently with her "faithful" mother's approval.
You cant buy Silver?? This is not a JW teaching..... this is the opinion of a mental JW. There is a difference. In fact the more I read here, the more I see that the actions of the few - the sort of folk that would be considered a tad crazy whatever faith they did or didnt have are held up as the JW normal - they are'nt. They just are'nt. Just as many of you sigh when you observe the bilge that comes out of the Six Screens crazy factory - because it discredits you all - well, thats how I feel....
Are JWs the worst restaurant customers?
by Alfred in(a little background info before i ask my question...).
my sister-in-law (non-jw), who manages a popular chain restaurant near a kingdom hall, just found out that my wife and i have recently faded, so she decided to get something off her chest the other day... you guessed it: she wanted us to know that jws are the worst customers ever!
she then told us some really embarrassing stories about how jws would request a table for 15 to 20 people (after a sunday meeting) and then (when the bill came) some of the jws would start deliberating amongst themselves on whether or not the waiter was diligent or not (to justify the low tip he was getting anyway).
This thread highlights the sort of thing that if you substituted "JW" for "Blacks" or "Jews" would leave everyone rightly gasping in disgust. There are plenty of bad tippers out there, with only 7M JWs, the vast majority are non-JW's. And i would argue against the suggestions that JW's are proportionatly meaner as well. I always tip well where its deserved, and fairly even when it isnt, and I would say this was typical with others JW's I know. This site is broad in scope, so I know it covers a lot of topics, but stuff like this is cheap, lazy and intellectually deficient. Thats all.
Wow, This is Getting Tougher!
by Franklin Massey ini'm having a really hard time giving my meeting parts.
i had a service meeting part this week and i could hardly get through it.
i am no longer convinced of some of the things jws teach and so i try to either eliminate those things from my parts, or reword them so that i'm not speaking about that which i do not personally believe.
I might be able to trump that - how about delivering the part about trusting the FDS at the recent Elders School - why oh why oh why.......
Wow, This is Getting Tougher!
by Franklin Massey ini'm having a really hard time giving my meeting parts.
i had a service meeting part this week and i could hardly get through it.
i am no longer convinced of some of the things jws teach and so i try to either eliminate those things from my parts, or reword them so that i'm not speaking about that which i do not personally believe.
Reading your posts, you and I seem to living the same life...... I wonder how many like us there are here (I know of MLE..) - my conclusion is that this is the life Ive got - its not all bad by any means, "thinking" about things has made it harder for sure - but I am by no means convinced that the general public at large enjoy a happier and more fulfilled life than I do..if that sounds defeatist, well, there you go....
Some observations from the KM Elder School I wanted to share with you.
by miseryloveselders inmy school was a couple weeks back, and it was interesting to a degree.
to be honest with you, it reminded me of a police crime scene investigation with yellow tape.
what i mean is, in one respect it was business as usual.
By the way, lots of you are asking to see the outline for the talk "Trust the Faithful and Discreet Slave" - there is nothing secret about it, apart from one quote from a 1925 WT, its just all taken from the chapter in the OD book of the same name - chapter 3 I think. Sorry its not more exciting than that...