I have to agree - I think the US is heading down the tube and fast! But frankly it doesn't appear to me any place else has it any better than we do - where is it that you would propose we all emigrate to? Ended my sentence with a preposition - OMG. I'm doomed! I have some friends who decided to go to the South Sea Islands - Vanuatu but the volcanic activity in that area doesn't lure me there. I suggested to my kids we all go to New Zealand - at least they speak a form of English there - and then shortly after that brainstorm (one week I think it was) they had that big earthquake in Christchurch and then another big one in Auckland. That didn't encourage us much. Earthquake possibilities are the factor scaring us here in the Pacific Northwest - doesn't make sense to move to another earthquake zone and New Zealand is way more seismically active than here (right now at least?) The appeal of that place to me is fact it resembles the Northwest for its beautiful mountains and scenery. So tell me where to head - I like the simple life, can live without a lot of the modern day gadgets (not my laptop tho? please) LOL
JoinedPosts by saltyoldlady
Where do you think the US is headed?
by 2pink insince you all are a critical thinking bunch...i thought i'd put this question to you.. i'm a born and raised us citizen as is my husband.
ever since we left the borg almost 2 years ago (wow, time flies when you're finally having fun!
), we've paid more attention to politics.
I fell & Guess What???
by mouthy ini moved on sat...fell & fractured my wrist..... it is in a caste,thank god it is the ,left one.... i am all settles in with the help of my daughter ,sonin law,grandkids.. i was at the hospital for hours....was able to talk to doc,nurse,why.
they must not shut the door on the jw's as they have been doing.. they were very interesting took my card to give the ones they have.
been listening to.....so i feel good came out of bad....
Hi Mouthy - So sorry you went thru that experience - Moving is rarely fun even without that! I broke my left arm a few years back - think it was 2006 and it was amazing to me what I was unable to do - that I really needed that left hand for opening things especially. Hope someone is staying with you til it's healed. Another thing I couldn't do was drive - boy did that cramp my style. The arm broke in two places but she healed quickly and shocking to the doc I can still play my violin - he didn't think I'd be able to twist the wrist to accomplish the fingering - do have a little restriction reaching certain parts of my back but a nice bath brush solved that. Hope your wrist heals as well - don't take calcium supplements for the healing - use Silica or Silicon instead - something I learned from a California Doc by the name of Peshek. There were some important scientific reasons but I'm having a SM - just know when he had cases of bone breaks that were slow to heal or not healing he could reverse the situation with Horsetail (high in silica) or Kervan's Silica - used to be put out by Dr. Barmakian under Alta Health Foods Label - I've been out of the field for so long don't know what the current scoop is or if that brand still around. All the best to you and I'll be including you in my prayers - Salty
Why don't Christians believe in the book of Jashar?
by avatar inthe bible refers to the book of jashar at joshua 10:13. this is when the sun stood still and the moon stopped.. it is also referred to in the 2nd book of samuel 1:18 where it says: "behold it is written in the book of jasher.".
why did they leave it out of the bible yet quote from it as an authority?.
The copy I have was first published in 1840 - believe it was promoted by some early day Mormons. There is considerable controversy about its authenticity - but its dates work well for the serious Bible Chronology Student. Reading it wll explain why it wasn't included in the Scripture Cannon (assuming it was even around back then for consideration) - the narrative borders on sensationalism. Nevertheless it is very interesting and fills in tons of details about Abraham, Isaac, Jacob etc. we do not find in the Bible. One area that tipped me off is what it propounds Job said - had him agreeing with the Pharaoh that the best way to handle Israelites was the killing of the young baby male offspring - somehow I have great difficulty accepting that would be an accurate representation of Job's character, myself so it does not have the "ring of truth" in that particular piece of history. I did not find the Bow - poem by David that was supposed to be there so perhaps the 1840 edition isn't the genuine article. There is a whale of a lot of research available on the web - just using your search bar if you have the patience to week thru it - I didn't!
607 wrong using ONLY the bible (and some common sense)
by Witness My Fury inif this has been covered before i apologise in advance.
using only the bible and a bit of common sense.. ok, here goes:.
do the "seventy years" count from jerusalems destruction or not?
For DJEggnog - The Darius Alwayshere was referring to is the same Darius as talked about on Page 584 of your very own Insight Volume 1 under Darius and the correct WTS dates given for the reconstruction of the Temple are 520 to 515 BCE - For once WTS had the dates right - he was not talking about Darius the Mede - get a grip man - quit speed skimming the material and thinking you have all the answers. Humility goes a long long ways - WTS removes it from their people - they have become stiff-necked just like the old Israelites because they think they have a "exclusive" on the Great God of the Universe, Jehovah.
the most gobbledegook answer i have read in a long time! WT 1/15/1953
by Aussie Oz inwhat does solomon mean when he says he found a true man in a thousand, but never a true woman?j.k.,new.
this can hardly be taken to mean that men are better than women.
he is the one true, perfect man, and the only one that ever lived on the earth.
Well Lars - I don't WORRY about what Esther, SOS, or Ecclesiastes say - I DELIGHT in what they say!
607 wrong using ONLY the bible (and some common sense)
by Witness My Fury inif this has been covered before i apologise in advance.
using only the bible and a bit of common sense.. ok, here goes:.
do the "seventy years" count from jerusalems destruction or not?
Sex at 14?
by headisspinning inhello all.... some of you have been following our story from the beginning - and even those of you who haven't should be able to relate to my quandary.... last week my 14 year old son told me he no longer wants to be a jw.
we laboured over telling his jw dad all week.
well, on friday night he finally came clean.. but in a bizarre and unexpected twist, after having sex with his girlfriend for the very first time - in his father's home that very afternoon.
My grandchildren tell me this is not at all uncommon. Kids are having sex in grade school even. But it breaks the heart of any parent!
Two good things to consider - one the kid has been honest and upfront with you. That is a real plus. He doesn't want to put on a facade at the KH - or represent himself as what he is not. There is a whole lot of commendation for his sincerity and truthfulness before God. And two - he feels confident enough of your love to tell you straight out what is going on. That is a grand tribute to your "unconditional" love - it is impossible to work with a liar. So your child has HOPE.
My suggestions are to try very hard to have a heart to heart about what he may think God's views are of the situation. Not to condemn - to get him to reason for himself. Kids at 14 are not dumb - they know how to put themselves in someone else's shoes and imagine what it must be like - ask him what he could do to best please God - or even if he wants to please God. Emphasize God does not force anyone to behave in a specific way - he has given each of us freedom - but he does desire our best. He does give us counsel for our protection. I don't know just how to pull this off without making it look like a "shame on you session" - that you don't want at any cost. But there has to be some way to get him thinking about his loving heavenly father and about why God gives us advice not to do things that look like fun - and feel good at the time. Talking about the tree in the Garden of Eden - how it was desirable to look upon and turns out it even tasted good as fruit and she didn't die "on the spot." Get him to tell you how he feels about that story - what he thinks Eve could have done differently - was God really withholding something good from her? Etc. Etc. He will be sharp enough to make the application without the subject even being mentioned. But get him thinking and focusing on God - that is the only thing that will ever change the behavior that I can imagine.
What would have happened had Eve run back to Adam and said "You know what the snake said to me today? Adam, that tree is so pretty. Come on let's just look at it!" The thought I want to implant in his mind is it might have been a good thing to come and talk with you first about his desire. You wouldn't have killed him for having the desire. You would have explained that is the way we are made. Yes - it is a natural thing built into us. But now let's look at the long range of things - is there any advantage of delaying this activity? Etc. Etc. Get him to tell you how he feels - more than you giving the advice. If you can get him to talk it out - there is something about saying things out loud to another human being that makes us think better. He may come to some important realizations all on his own without you ever having had to "tell him so!" Somehow mom and dad just telling us stuff doesn't reach the heart. You have to get him to think for himself - questions, questions, questions. Isn't there a proverb that talks about pulling water out of a deep well? That's what couseling a child is like.
Maybe talking to him about your own mistakes and how they have turned out - that is something very real he can relate to - everything isn't all bad ever - but there is always a better way to have done things and how does he think you could have done things better. Be prepared to bite your tongue on this because he'll probably tell you things that you don't want to hear but he will make the application also to himself in so doing.
And never stop praying for your children no matter what they do! No matter how incorrigible they seem! God doesn't give up on us and He is our example.
Time demands of the Jehovah's Witness religion compared with other religions?
by stapler99 ini've been wondering how other religions, such as other christian denominations, would compare to the jw's in their time demands.. .
i'll lay out the approximate hours per week below.
(i know some of the meeting lengths have changed in recent years, and the bookstudy has been abolished.
I was a member of various Protestant churches during my first 40 years of life - well forget the first 5 or 6. My parents were both children of preachers - known as "preacher's kids" so we had a rather serious spiritual bent - BUT what it actually resulted in re time commitments were one meeting a week - Sundays - go to Sunday School first, then Church afterward - about 2 hours worth or less actually cause the Sunday sermons are rarely more than 20 to 30 minutes in length - then tack on the choir, the music prelude on the organ, some hymns and a couple group prayers - maybe reading a short liturgy of some sort. Sunday School also rarely took up a full hour but just for the sake of rounding things off we were probably at the Church Bldg for 2 hours a week.
In my teens I participated in a youth group that met on Sunday eve's - for about hour and a half - the half part was devotional in nature - the hour was more social and fun type stuff, game playing, roller skating in the church basement, playing ping pong, etc. My father in his later years attended a men's group once a week - don't think my mother ever got involved in any of the groups. She had had enough of that growing up as a Pastor's daughter to suit her for a lifetime.
Study for Sunday School - didn't involve much - maybe a hurried half hour per week or if feeling especially "spiritual minded" - lol - it would get a whole hour's worth of my time. When I taught Sunday School as an adult it was a different matter - I devoted great chunks of time to the lesson in preparation and that is where I got most of my Bible knowledge back then - also leading a youth group involved a 2 hours prep time per week for my hubby and I. But in total it never came to anything like the time requirements the WTS put upon us - not even close. I remember reading in an old Life Magazine way back in the 50's or 60's that WTS adherents spent an average of 30 hours per week in support of their religion and thinking to myself - those people must be amazing!
Later I was to learn just how amazing - and it wasn't amazingly good or spiritual - but the time expenditure required was indeed true.
How the Watchtower corporation really works (beginning to end)
by Terry inin 1925, judge rutherford penned an article of extreme controversy titled the birth of the nation.. the editorial committee (russell had created) would not approve it.. .
ruthford moved swiftly to remove them!
he then hid his massacre cleverly:.
Wow - what an experience! Dreadful! And I suspect there are many many more very similar out there. It's just not what we call "Christian Love" -
New World Translation of the Holy Scriptures
by Quendi ini know this has been discussed before, but i want to reopen the topic.
i am currently reading ray franz's memoir crisis of conscience and ran across this footnote with respect to the new world translation of the holy scriptures:.
"the new world translation bears no translator's name and is presented as the anonymous work of the "new world translation committee.