Welcome - so happy you have joined us. I too felt like you upon discovering this group - so nice to find a place where we can be REAL with one another. Looking forward to your future posts.
JoinedPosts by saltyoldlady
Here's one more free mind...
by Pika_Chu inhey, here's one more free mind.
i've been researching and reading posts here and finally decided to join.
i have to say i'm grateful for this site.
How were Rutherford's Cadillacs purchased?
by InterestedOne ini mentioned rutherford's cadillacs to my study conductor, and he said maybe rutherford was able to purchase them because he was independently wealthy.
were they purchased from his own personal wealth or with the wt funds?.
A story that was shared with me many long years ago was that someone who had become very very wealthy via ownership of Coca Cola bottling rights - sold for a small royalty fee per bottle - in those days they actually used glass bottles - became converted to the WTS - think he may have lived back in Iowa somewhere because this elder that knew him hailed from that area - and he delighted in giving Rutherford "gifts" as well as donating large sums of money to the WTS - he probably thought this was a manner in which he could serve God and it was apparently easy enough for him to do - I remember also being told his daughter worked for Rutherford as a secretary - wondering if that could have been Bonnie Boyd. Someone who knows how to research these things can probably verify all this for us - because for me it is simply part of the rumor mill - but if this is so the old man was able to keep an eye on how his monies were being used that way obviously, a savvy move and as I remember he provided the money for the mansion. That Bonnie's husband's name would be on the deed makes sense if this is the case.
Anyway it always tickles my funny bone when I think about the fact that Coca Cola money helped finance the WTS empire - because I view Coca Cola as one of the devil's inventions. Just kidding but it doesn't truthfully contribute to anyone's physical health and the original formula did contain cocaine. The formula was on Yahoo news channel not too long ago. Think the drug was eliminated in about 1904 or something like that. But that history makes it even more amusing.
Song- "we're Jehovah's Witnesses" in honor of this weeks WT study
by stuckinamovement inthis was the last song of the service meeting this week.
the new version sounds like a death march anthem.
the melody has changed and i think the words have also.. i truly used to like that song and it was one of the first song's i could sing as a kid.
So glad to see this thread - and know that I am not the only one who felt the new songs ARE DREADFUL. Did anyone notice they took out the best stanza of We Thank You Jehovah - the one that goes "We thank you, Jehovah for our brotherhood, Where we find companions both true and good, We thank you for giving us your active force, your Spirit which helps us to hold our course."
Maybe somebody had to choke on those words - maybe the great crowd wasn't supposed to be born of the Spirit or have His active force????????? I know they tried to just cut everything down to three stanza's but why cut out this verse that actually had some feeling in it -
And I have analyzed and re-examined the music again and again trying to figure out what it is exactly that is wrong - yes they tried to cut the range of notes covered which was probably a good idea but now it gives me the feeling of "mezmerization" - not even the beauty of an old fashion chanting of the dark ages - but there is just something spiritually wrong - and I can't put my finger on it - almost like they are just trying to get everybody to say ohmmmmm together and nothing else. Even kind of nasal like too.
Method for Identifying the Faithful Slave & Channel of God's Truth
by saltyoldlady inbarks & snorts - is their major means of communication barks and snorts?
matt 7:6 - "do not give holy things to dogs nor cast pearls before swine lest they trample them under their feet and turn and rip you open.
my application of the above - my loyalty to an org might be considered a "holy thing".
You made me laugh - indeed I did - those were the "very words" used in the letter rejecting my truths submitted to them.
Method for Identifying the Faithful Slave & Channel of God's Truth
by saltyoldlady inbarks & snorts - is their major means of communication barks and snorts?
matt 7:6 - "do not give holy things to dogs nor cast pearls before swine lest they trample them under their feet and turn and rip you open.
my application of the above - my loyalty to an org might be considered a "holy thing".
Barks & Snorts - Is their major means of communication barks and snorts? Matt 7:6 - "Do not give holy things to dogs nor cast pearls before swine lest they trample them under their feet and turn and RIP you open."
My application of the above - My loyalty to an org might be considered a "holy thing"
My efforts to correct untruth, false prophecy, or the injustices of a system that protects pedophiles, etc. might be considered as "pearls"
Dogs are depraved men - ones who bark, issue commands - creating an authoritarian environment
Swine are those who snort - showing indifference and contempt for making needed corrections and improvement
Could this indifference and contempt be similar to "trampling pearls beneath their feet?"
Could it be that mandatory shunning for sincere differences of opinion in the search for truth might be similar to RIPPING one open?
If their major means of communication are barks and snorts can they be Jehovah's sole channel of truth on earth?
Or could they be the faithful slave?
Or could it be we are witnessing a modern day animal farm endeavoring to represent themselves as God's Temple on earth?
My Labrador died can anyone please help me. I can't stand the pain.
by Witness 007 inmy wife recovered from depression just 14 months ago and things have been going well.....so much so that i started a buisness for her and we are two weeks into it.
my labby was ill vomiting abit of discomfort, i thought great, you ate something bad again!
the vet gave him a shot and sent us home.
And to add to the above thoughts I can't help but think of Ps 145:16 - You are opening your hand and satisfying the desire of every living thing.
He is either going to have to change my desires or else resurrect my loved pets. And another thought occurred to me - innocent little lambs died to picture the sacrifice of our Lord and King, do you not think he will resurrect them? He has the power to do so - of that I am sure. And he came to restore all creation - not just mankind.
My Labrador died can anyone please help me. I can't stand the pain.
by Witness 007 inmy wife recovered from depression just 14 months ago and things have been going well.....so much so that i started a buisness for her and we are two weeks into it.
my labby was ill vomiting abit of discomfort, i thought great, you ate something bad again!
the vet gave him a shot and sent us home.
Here's a poem that meant so much to me when my beloved pet, Fluffy died last year - I'd had him for 16 years.
It's called Rainbow Bridge - inspired by a Norse legend.
By the edge of a wood, at the foot of a hill,
is a lush, green meadow where time stands still.
Where the friends of man and woman do run,
when their time on earth is over and done.
For here, between this world and the next,
is a place where each beloved creature finds rest.
On this golden land, they wait and they play,
til the Rainbow Bridge they cross over one day.
No more do they suffer, in pain or in sadness,
for here they are whole, their lives filled with gladness.
Their limbs are restored, their health renewed,
their bodies have healed, with strength imbued.
They romp through the grass, without even a care,
until one day they start, and sniff at the air.
All ears prick forward, eyes dart front and back,
then all of a sudden, one breaks from the pack.
For just at that instant, their eyes have met;
Together again, both person and pet.
So they run to each other, these friends from long past,
the time of their parting is over at last.
The sadness they felt while they were apart,
has turned into joy once more in each heart.
They embrace with a love that will last forever,
and then, side by side,
they cross over...together.
Please Welcome "saltyoldlady"!!!
by Yan Bibiyan ina new member "saltyoldlady" just joined the board on the introductory thread of another new member here.
i didn't want the op's thread highjacked, so please welcome saltyoldlady on this thread.. .
Oh Zid - I LOVE it. You are one talented lady. And yes I was also a cat lover - at one time had seven of them - my last one, Fluffy, died on the same day my DA'ing was announced. But one thing he did that was so memorable - on the evening the two brothers came to my home for their "mandatory" exit counsel with me he sat on my lap and purred SO LOUDLY that even one of the brothers commented on the volume of his purr - He had never purred that loudly before in my memory - so either he was aware of my distress and trying to comfort me which is quite likely or he was telling the other two "Hey this lady is OK gang. Pull off your talons!" Actually the two brothers treated me quite gently but I invited them to pray with me before leaving and their last insult was to refuse - I can't remember the exact words just now but it was to the effect that they didn't pray with those such as me."
Then just a few days ago one of the brothers together with the son of the other brother, his father was the PO, knocked at my door. The shock on his face was so amusing - think they forgot I lived in this apartment. His mouth just flew open - his eyes widened til you could see the whites all around and he was speechless. Maybe they had expected I would drop dead from exiting - who knows. Anyway I just chatted with him personably - and he was actually friendly and smiled. The younger lad whom I had so loved remained true to WTS requirements - emotionless - no expression - looking so as not to connect eyeball to eyeball. I wished them well and the parting comment on my part was "Stay warm" and immediately thought to myself - yeah, I'm just like what James said "stay warm and well fed - but I don't intend to do a blessed thing to help you do so!" - I could have at least invited them in. LOL.
Scans of Golden Age, grape cure articles
by FatFreek 2005 indoes anyone have scans of certain golden age magazines?
specifically, i'm looking for the following articles:.
"the ehret system of elimination", golden age, march 20, 1929, p.
Once upon a time Research Applications International was going to release all these old Golden Age issues on CD's - they started with Vol 3 which I purchased and ran from 1932 thru 1937 but it was the earlier ones that were the most fun to read. Does anyone know what happened to that project?
I did get a massive collection from Stephen Searle (in the days I was still allowed to purchase his things - loss of his site my biggest heartbreak upon exit from the WTS) but I am not yet sure of what all it does include. Will take me considerable time to sort thru - but perhaps if you just email him with a request he can come up with it for you.
By the way even though your old friend died the grape cure has worked on occasion and has some scientific basis for being very beneficial in certain cancer cases - Grapes are a very high potassium source - read Gerson's work with his pigeons - if he kept their diets high in potassium it was nearly impossible to get cancer implants to take hold. This was one of the reasons he went for his massive veggie/fruit onslaught with cancer patients.
by cskyjw.sun inmatthew24:7,8'for nation will rise against nation and and kingdom against kingdom, and there will be food shortages and earthquakes in one place after another.all these things are a beginning of pangs of distress.
' and according to the mayan calendar 2012 is the pivotal year(not 1914) and hence we could assume the events of matthew24:7,8 to be fulfilled from 2012 onwards and perphas then we could see the real tribulations upon tribulations.
I got a brainstorm - Maybe Russell was just 100 years off - everything he said would happen in 1914 will happen in 2014. Just kidding. But the world scene for anarchy is a lot more compelling than it was in his day - and the earthquakes much more impressive too - course lots of them like the one in Haiti appear to be caused by men and not by our glorious Creator - electromagnetic scalar interferometry devices - can you tell I've spent too many years being a WTS prophet?