Hi Gang - You are right - I do need to learn how to copy and paste - have done it a few times several years ago but it would take me some experimenting to figure out just how to do it now.
And I intended to get back to this early in the morning when I am fresh but today I got caught up in too much else - today is my Senior Center Bible Study Group meets from 9 to 11:30 and I didn't get back to this til the end of the day - in fact looking at the clock just realized it is now tomorrow and I've been up since 3 this morning with no naps at all today. Wow for me - that is unusual but I haven't the grit to tackle this right now. Lucy, my daughter, comes tomorrow so I will have her hand walk me through. Thank you though for all your efforts.
And Zid don't feel bad about doing this on the end of my "creative" time endeavor - just wanted to see how such a thing would ride with this group - suspected it would not and it didn't. And thanks for the kind words on the PM poem - I was pleased with that one - it just kinda flowed out of the pen as I was trying to think of ways to encourage my little friend in a neighboring hall that suffered so much depression. My leaving left her feeling even worse so I continued to try helping her with her health issues for nearly a year since being DF'd thinking surely someone else would step up and help. But they haven't and I finally had to say I can't continue this - it is beyond my financial abilities.
She is still very much loyal to the org and refuses of course to discuss why I left so I can't help her understand. She knows I had an issue on Chronology but she didn't have the passion for the subject I had.
Anyway today I learned the Senior Center is going to offer a Computer class at a time I can manage it - sign up is today. So I am going to go get some formal training in these things. Other members of my Bible Study Group have told me they are very good about giving us each individual help in areas we need. The cost is minimal and it will be on Thursdays right after lunch so since I am already there for the Bible Study and then lunch together with the group I will just be able to go direct to the class. So hopefully I won't be such a pain to everybody for not knowing how to do the simple ordinary things my kids seemed to have been born knowing how to do.